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Our first ride was Son of Beast. When I rode this last, it was fun. I rode in the front seat, there was leg room, and it wasn't too rough. This time would be so much different. We chose to ride in the back seat. The cars are smaller now so I was uncomfortable. Then the op put the bulky lap bar down and I was squished in. I was a little scared that I was going to get hurt since people say it's so rough. I can't believe we waited an hour and a half for this stupid thing. Poor Werner Stengal must be ashamed of this thing. It's incredibly rough and heading down the drop, somehow the lap bar hit me where it counts. The rest of the ride my crotch hurt and we kept bumping all over the place. I was so thankful for the MCBR. That's the best part of the ride. The loop had some good forces and was pretty smooth, but it still jolted around in it. I'm not going to describe the rest of the ride. It hurts to think about it. 2/10.
After Sonny we ate at the Festhaus in Oktoberfest. The food was expensive, but pretty good.
After that we decided to ride the father. The Beast sure has a problem child there and I hope something can be done to calm it down. Beast was very good. We waited an hour for it and we rode in the back seat. After riding it, I was a little nervous that Legend had topped my number one woodie. I wasn't about to say that until I rode Beast at night, though. 10/10.
Now it was time to ride Flight of Fear with lap bars! I had never done this before. My last ride was in 2000 and my head hurt pretty bad after I slammed into the OTSRs a lot. This time was going to be fun. We sat in the front seat and pulled our lap bars down. The seat belt is neat since it connects to the restraint instead of going over your lap like normal seat belts. Before the launch, AZ RIDER and I were going to pose for the camera, but the op told us they took it out. Too bad. The launch was nice and fun and the tunnel seemed pretty long. We got some nice forces into the cobra roll and my head slammed into AZ RIDER's shoulder. That was the only head banging I got the entire ride. The rest of the ride gave way to great forces in the turns, no MCBR braking, and a corkscrew in which I could put my hands up! Awesome! Much better than before! 7/10.
We raced to Racer (alright, that was corny) and only waited six minutes for the back seat on Racer Forwards. The drop was nice and the airtime was plentiful, even after the ride op stapled me. We didn't race with backwards, but it was still fun. 7/10.
I wanted to get my coaster count up so I went to the Nickelodeon/kiddy section of the park. I rode Beastie in the back seat after a 30-minute wait. I met another enthusiast in line who has ridden Legend and Raven. We chatted and rode the ride, which was pretty fun. I'd ride it again if there weren't a line. 6/10.
Scooby Doo's Ghoster Coaster was next. This thing has horrible capacity! We waited 45 minutes for it. I sat in the back seat but barely fit. It's a little uncomfortable. The vertical lift hill was pretty cool and I got a nice view of the park from there. The ride was smooth, but when you hit brakes, you hit them hard. I swung by some trees and was able to touch them. It was a little hard to get out of the ride, but I managed to. 3/10.
I wanted to ride Rugrat's Runaway Reptar, but we had to meet my mom at the Eiffel Tower. We met her and told her where we'd meet her again when the park closed. Since we were there, we decided to get some pictures from the top. While in line for the elevator, someone in line saw my Legend shirt and we chatted. It turns out that he's the head of marketing for PKI and he was going up there to take pictures for the website or something. We chatted about the park and coasters for a long time. He told me about Beast at night being an entirely different ride than it is during the day and that was when I knew I had to ride it. I asked him if he knew what the park was getting for 2003 and he said it was going to be something good, but he wouldn't give me any clues. I'm hoping for an ArrowBATic. From the tower, we could see the King Cobra site had some footers there from the old ride and there's a giant sling shot in front of the fence. I shook Jeff's (his name) hand and we parted ways.
I headed to Rugrat's Runaway Reptar. AZ RIDER was too tall to ride it, so Coaster Boy and I rode together in the next to last row after a 40-minute wait. It was getting late and I didn't know if I was going to be able to get my ride on Beast, but I chose to ride RRR anyway. This ride just sucked! Sure, it was cool, but it was rough. What's the deal with Vekoma?! They need to have all their wheels touching the track at the same time for a smooth ride. Something this new and this small should not have been as rough as it was. The ride was forceless, but sort of fun. I don't think I'd ride it again strictly because it's too rough to be that new. This ride is going to be bad in later years.
Now was the time for The Beast. I won't elaborate since this is my TR and not a review, but in a few words, The Beast is my all-time favorite wooden roller coaster. The wait was only an hour and the line constantly moved. This night ride was so good, Beast moved up a spot in my top five list! It's now number four over Kraken! If you ride Beast, make it a night ride in the back. You will not regret the wait.
While in the station for The Beast at night, I heard an op say this was the most crowded he has ever seen it at this park. I wanted to ride Tomb Raider: The Ride, but there simply wasn't time. It was either a night ride on Beast or TR:TR since the lines would go until the park closed. I wish we would have gone to PKI on a weekday, but we were pressed for time. That was a mistake going on a Sunday, but at least I got to meet Jeff and ride Beast at night. PKI gets a 6/10 for the horrible crowds and capacity problems (other than Beast's capacity). Normally it would get an 8/10, but the crowds were bad. They must have filled it past capacity.
I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest
When did they take the on-ride photo of of FOF? I bought one last year on it. I think the MCBR is after the first three inversions. Beast is my #2 woodie behind Villian. Nice TR.
Top 5: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum XL 200, 4)Medusa(West), 5)Raptor
I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest
Not MLK's words but mine..I have a Dream! I have a DREAM! I HAVE A DREAM!
I have a dream! That SFMM fans will be able to walk hand in hand with CP's!
AND no ONE cares what a coaster is and what a coaster isn't!
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