Paramount Parks and Star Trek...

I have always wondered why Paramount Parks never bothered to add any Star Trek themed rides to any of their parks. I always thought it would make a good simulator(like the Star Trek: The Experience at Las Vegas) or even make a ride like Tomb Raider themed to Star Trek. It doesn't necessarily have to be a Top Spin either. Oh well, just an observation...

ghettocoaster, ive ALWAYS wondered the same thing....think of the coaster possibilities!! but as Jeff would be sure to say, what the park wants, the companies will build for them..i guess they are interested in other themes.

Tim (who thinks a "warp" coaster would be pretty freakin cool :))

"hi, my name is Tim, and im a coasterholic"...."Hi Tim!!" hehe:)

Ditto. They could build a HS:XLC or Xcelerator clone or similar & call it "Star Trek: Warp 9." ;)

Call me crazy, there are heaps of possibilities to a Star Wars Theme Park. George Lucas & Lucasfilms own the rights as well as those for Indiana Jones, that correct? Well, there is Indiana Jones at DW or is that DL?

I've been waiting patiently for a Fox Studios Theme Park. Would love to see B&M Dueling Coasters named after two of my favourite characters; "Aliens vs Predator." I can imagine the themeing! :)

Whoa, vacoasterfreak. You beat me to the punch!

Studios with parks;

Warner Bros (MW & SF)

Any others? My mind is blank.

I had a coaster idea for Paramount called Time Warp(or the alternative would be Morph), the coaster would featuretons of inversions and elements, only the riders would pick which element the wanted to ride. IN the station, depending on which trains of the ride you were in line for determined which part of the the ride you would pick. You step into these cubicles that are locked of from everyone else, pick the element you want in your section of the ride on a monitor in front of you. Then the doors mysteriously open and you step into the trains. The selections are locked in and the transition pieces transfer to the parts of the ride that were selected(like a transfer track on a coaster or switch track on railways). The riders will never know what ride they are in for becuase each rider secretly selected what part of the ride they want. I was thinking of it being a future of Arrow loopers, something to bring back those great machines. Do you think this is something that Arrow and Paramount should look at?

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Interesting... Although sounds like it would be a nightmare to maintain. Simpler coasters like X & DV have had their share of problems.

There was an old rumour that CP would get an Arrow coaster with interchangeable track sections. Whoever subimtted that must have been crying out for attention! :)

The new Giovanola Tilt Coaster has a computer controlled articulated tilting platform unlike the fixed tilt action on Vekoma's version. What they mean is the platform can lock on to any of 2, 3 or more different tracks!

paramount carowinds doesnt even have the star trek characters at the park any more I don't think there's much hope for a star trek ride anytime soon I read once that they want to do it right and right means you cant just slap the name star trek on just any old ride

member of the

The experience ride in Vegas would be great!

I wasn't saying to just slap the name Star Trek on any ride. If they were to build one it would make for a great themed ride of some sort, which is something Paramount seems to be interested in... theming their parks. I just always thought it would make for a good ride.

Well I know that The Bond Films were originally owned by MGM/UA

The Star Trek was originally Desilu (Dezi Arnez)

I really think Paramount is missing out on the name Mission Impossible!


Charles Nungester
Americana (Now called The great americana amusement park at Lesourdsville Lake) is opening in 2002. Indivdual visits are very improtant to the parks survival.

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