Or am I confusing it with Morey's Golden Nugget?
As for the Golden Nugget, cost is the major factor... seems the moving of the ride will cost twice as much as Morey's was willing to pay. I hear they're still committed to it so it's probably just a case of them waiting a little while longer until they can figure out how to raise the money or take some of the cost out of the project.
I am one of the biggest *nostlagia freaks* around here...and yet I'd gladly give up some "less than significant details" about that Tower to get it running again. If it's operational, it's REMINDING people of Coney's glorious history (as well as providing a FUN ride and *breathtaking* views over the city and the Ocean)....
I'd WAY prefer that the ride be restored to it's ORIGINAL operating condition no doubt....but if that's not feasible, for safety reasons or otherwise, then make the *minimal modifications required* to keep it as close as reasonably possible, and GET IT RUNNING!
This isn't Clementon's JackRabbit, this CAN (and should) be saved...
Around 2001/2002 Marty Markowitz, Brooklyn Borough President, secured funding to sandblast and paint the ride (http://history.amusement-parks.com/paracon.htm). They have looked at several options for getting it running, but it the procurement of money for running rehab, the contracting of someone to run the ride and other issues make it a difficult task.
I have never ridden one, or seen one in person for that matter. Whats the parachute ride like at SFOG?
I think, but don't know, it would be scarier than the drop towers as we know today (intamin, s&s, etc)
The one at SFOG had four stand-up cages that you could ride in, but they were removed at some point and replaced with regular chairs.
*** Edited 11/5/2004 11:40:25 PM UTC by Dukeis#1***
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