Overhead shot of Raging Bull?

I've been searching here and the internet and can't seem to find a good overhead shot of Raging Bull. I'm trying to make a model of it, but I want to be as accurate as possible. Anyone have a pic of the layout plans, or a good shot of the entire thing from overhead?

I've checked RCDB and a few other sites, but can't find a complete shot of the layout.

Thanks in advance.

Yeah, I was afraid of that.....is that a helix right before the last break run? In this picture:


Its a figure 8 I believe. I have been looking for a picture of that for ages.
Hmmm...I specifically remember seeing an overhead shot of the Bull not long after I rode it. Must have seen it in 99 or 00. I'll see if I can either A) find it on my favorites list on my old PC, or B) see if I saved it on my old PC, cause I used to look at it all the time as it was my favorite coaster for a while. I know it showed the entire layout, I'll see what I can do...
I'd appreciate that Tekno, but dont worry if its too much trouble...I pretty much have the gist of the layout, I just want to be as accurate as possible.

Thanks SFZIP for the overhead, I'll take a look.

Oh man, SFZIP, thats perfect, thanks a ton!
Slowmotion... for ease and quality of viewing, I kindof smooshed the closest 4 shots of Raging Bull into one largeish (572x1244) picture for ya. Click Here and then download the zip to get it. Enjoy =)

- BB

That satellite photo looks as if they are in 3 train opperation (due to the position of the 2 trains on the course), but there is nobody in the parking lot!

Cant thank ya enough BB. :]
Here is an overhead shot that I took in 2001:


Great pictures Mike.

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