Ouimet says the "staycation" is here to stay

Posted | Contributed by VitaminsAndGravy

The chief executive of one of the country's largest amusement park companies said since the economic downturn has people staying closer to home, staycations have boosted business at the parks. CEO Matt Ouimet on Wednesday predicted the staycation trend would continue even with the economy improving. He said Cedar Fair's parks generally draw most of their visitors from within a couple of hundred miles.

Read more from AP via ABC News.

slithernoggin's avatar

Emily Litella was at Cedar Point?

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz

rollergator's avatar

kpjb said:

So, do they fill all of their rides with sand? I thought that was just an exception with the one at Dorney to keep the NIMBYs at bay.

Offhand, the first *other one* that comes to mind is Silver Bullet at KBF.

Rihard's avatar

The Sea world family of parks uses quiet B&M track too. Which makes sense considering the proximity of the animals in those parks. I've had some eerie lone rides on Kraken with barely a sound.

- R.A

bjames's avatar

Do I miss something, or is Cedar Fair still tiny compared to Disney and Universal? It's like saying Wyoming has as much influence as California or New York do....

kpjb's avatar



"Kings island is on my radar" B&M 2014?

slithernoggin said:

Emily Litella was at Cedar Point?

Yeah...she was with Nirvana.

The amusement park rises bold and stark..kids are huddled on the beach in a mist


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