Other FL Coasters: Windstorm and Hurricane

Ironic that I never noticed a trend in those two names before... Exceedingly appropriate for Florida, more so for the Hurricane in the Miami area. Go figure.

Nevertheless, I'm trying to find someone who has been on one or both coasters (as I have), who would be willing to be interviewed about them. The greater your experience with them, the better (more rides, etc.)! At this point in time I'm slightly more interested in the Hurricane (great woodie, by the way, if you're ever down in Miami), but either will work for the time being.

PM me if you want to participate!

rollergator's avatar
You are referrng to Old Town's Windstorm, right? Only been on that particular Windstorm once, but it's fairly typical, not as good as some (Celeb City, for example), but not as bad as some others (Rye's).

DB Hurricane rocks HARD though, and if you're lucky enough to catch it on a warm wet evening, that last leg home can be VERY reminiscent of Phoenix...I've ridden it *several* different times since the Grand Opening, and it seems to provide "pretty consistent" airtime...but I've been there a couple times after the showers, and WOW! does it get "slippery when wet"....WAY better than Bon Jovi though...;)
*** Edited 6/18/2004 2:21:58 PM UTC by rollergator***

I've ridden both quite a few times. I agree with gator...the DBH after a shower...you better hold on! Those last few camelbacks into the station are insane! The Windstorm is another great coaster! Very intense and quite fun.


See you on the Rails.
I've always found the Hurricane to be quite smooth, at least compared to other woodies. And yes, I'm referring to Windstorm at Old Town; sorry I wasn't more clear! Thanks everyone for your PMs, I'll be responding very very soon! :)
I've been on Windstorm which is a nice coaster that's farily intense but I have yet to ride the Hurricane =( I really want to though but it's a bit of a drive for me to get to it.

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