Opinion on this coaster for my park..

Hey, I've been working on this park for a while and I recently built this floorless coaster but I'm not sure it fits into the area. Here are some screens, please let me know what you think of it.

Whole Park:


Stats:E- 8.88, I-8.22, N-4.69

Looks good and visualy pleasing but the coaster could use some more inversions.

#1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!! My top 7 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Montu 3. Yankee Cannonball 4. Kumba 5. Gwazi 6. Cyclone (SFNE) 7. B:DK

Well, there are 5 inversions and I didn't want to make it the usual loop, dive loop, cobra roll, zero g and double corkscrew because that's boring sometimes.

If anybody else thinks I should add another corkscrew or something, let me know and I can see if it'll fit in with the ratings.

Thanks for you reply.
*** This post was edited by HuLk 7/22/2003 2:20:19 PM ***

I don't think there is anything wrong! Though you should Put in a corkscrew ok?

Feel the Fun, Ride the Fun, Build the Fun!
-Six Flags Worlds of Adventure Fan!

DC2, there is a corkscrew.
*** This post was edited by 3r1c 7/22/2003 5:37:00 PM ***
Its hard to tell but it is there.

Theres nothign wrong w/the coaster. It fits in fine.

"Welcome back. When the train stops, push down then pull up on your lap bar. Please exit to your right, and down the exit ramp. We thank you for challenging Raging Bull, and enjoy the rest of your day at Six Flags!"

Yeah the corkscrew is hard to see from far away. Thanks for your replies, I'm definately keeping it now because I've started the station.

I'll upload the park to Coasterbuzz when it's done. :)

the park looks good but u need 2 get rid of all that x-tra path near it so more people will go on it

Dude, this is SWEET!!! I hope you could post this when your all done.
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jonathan taylor said:
the park looks good but u need 2 get rid of all that x-tra path near it so more people will go on it

Well that section looks a lot different now. I added a small kiddie area and it fits really well with the coaster in the background. The park is no where near being done yet so all that "extra" path will eventually make sense.

Thanks for your comments. :)

Now this is a new and different design that looks good, without being something that looks un-B&M. I like for people to be creative and do different, but I still want it to look somewhat famaliar, and look like the company that you're using the track for would actually build something like this. Very nice! I want this as soon as its done!

Beaver, The other White meat.

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