Opening for Kingda Ka?

is there an estimated opening date for it
Isn't it a little bit early to be asking about an opening date? It's December, remember? You'll know more when the park announces it.
It is a little early to speculate on this, but if I had to guess I'd say Ka will open once the park opens daily. They are progessing quickly on Ka, but the Golden Kingdom...not so much. So those first couple weekends they open up I doubt it will be running, but look for it to be open around when SUF did or a little earlier.
Even if it's technically "operational", it's still questionable if the ride itself will be running. TTD-Problems + SF-Maintenance = 50% chance of tear showers

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
:) I am gonna say sometime in October, '05. :)

I really do not think it will be open very much during it's first year, but what do I know? I hope I am wrong, because I want SF to show us that they really are responsible. When I first heard the announcement, I asked, "What are they thinking?"

To their credit, I did notice a few improvements this year that made me think CF bought the park..

B:TR had a new paint job (ok, maybe not my choice of colors for it, but it was still new paint other than spray-painting the harnesses like the year before ;) )

Nitro had queue shading installed (and I think I saw it at some other rides, but I don't remember for sure other than Nitro)

Despite this, though, I recall seeing a coaster stranded on the lift for an abnormal period of time 14 times, and S:UF broke down twice while I was in the station. So, are they going to get a new maintenance division with the new ride for '05?

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
I thought when I bought my 05 pass that SF mentioned something about passholders having a special Coasters after Dark to be the first to ride it. Though I could have been dreaming. It might have just been wishful thinking. LOL *** Edited 12/17/2004 12:23:21 PM UTC by RedLaFrance***

Nope, not wishful thinking...yes there will be a special Coasters After Dark to ride it, so I believe they're expecting to have it running when the park opens.

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

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