opening day?

hey everybody! i was just wondering, what is the official opening day for pki? Also, does anyone have any idea when the preview of SOB is for people who bought their season pass at the end of last season? I know i should be getting something in the mail soon about it, but i thought maybe someone could give me the info before then so i can get my plans made. I would not want to be anywhere else than front car on SOB on opening day!!!


ps- by the way, anyone else here going for opening day?
ShiveringTim's avatar
PKI SOB Pawprint day is Sunday, April 9. Opening Day is the following Saturday, April 15. Just to make sure, check out the PKI official site (

Scott W. Short
thanks ShiveringTim! i cant wait! see you all then!
I am going to be there , i go ever year on the opening day. Cannot wait for opening day to arrive.

Six Flags Ohio worker. Please exit to your right thank you for riding and enjoy the rest of your day here at Six Flags Ohio!!
Will SOB be open on opening day?

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