One train on King Cobra running


Ever since PKI opened for its 2000 season I have noticed that there is only one train running on the King Cobra. The other train on the transfer track is not running. Does anyone know why the KIng Cobra is only running one train right now? Could this be a sign of the King Cobra's fate? ;)


THE BEASTmaster *** This post was edited by THE BEASTmaster on 5/29/2000. ***

Son Of the Beast Freak

No its not a sign of the fate of King Cobra, the first day PKI opened up we were there and they were haveing trouble with that car of King Cobra. From what i was told when i asked the restraints on that car are not functioning correctly and they are waiting on parts for it, thats why there is only one car running on it.


Thanks for the info, Son of Beast Freak.




he he, I made that observation from the webcam yasterday. :)

Q.What's a real vacation?
A.Cedar Point!


They were running 2 trains on April 22nd when I was down there(Easter weekend).
As for the webcam you can hardly make out the gokarts on Days of Thunder.All you see is colored blures.

Son Of the Beast Freak

Yea they were running 2 trains, but if i recall they closed it at the end of the day... maybe it was another time. but he said they are having a heck of alot of trouble getting the parts, but he said they should be back pretty soon... HOPEFULLY!!! I love riding that ride, but not for a 2 hour wait, I have ridden it way to many times to wait for 2 hours...know what i mean?


Soggy's avatar
2 trains were running yesterday. (6/1) from the webcam it is easy to tell how many are going on that ride. SOB, I can hardly ever see one on the track.

Gotta ride 'em all!


Shockwave at PKD is down to one train as well. I know each coaster has a long loading time too. The Shockwave has added a seat belt between the two shoulder harness after that dumbass climed out and died. I just wonder if they could just be playing it safe so Paramount doesn't have another accident on another standup.

Parks hit for 2000!
PKD,BGW,Knoebels,Dorney,Hershey,PKI,HW,SFKK,SFA, Camden


PKI has also added safety belts to the shoulder harnesses of King Cobra, which adds to the already long load time. This, in addition to only one train being run has driven the lines almost to the beginning of the queue line. This needs to be rendered because I enjoy riding King Cobra, but I will not wait an hour or more for it, especially on days that are really not that busy.


The seatbelts were added because of the person getting out of the restraints last year. According to my friend, who is a ride op on King Cobra, the belt supposedly makes it impossible for someone to slip out of the restraints, no matter what. It has something to do with when the belt is closed tight, the restraints are put into a position that someone can not get out of. Supposedly, if someone unhooks the seatbelt, they still can't get out.

Rides to the top of the World: 4

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