On-ride view for RCT...why not?

How come Chris Sawyer doesn't include an on-ride view of the coasters that are layed down in the parks. When you click on the coaster I think there should a tab that lets you see a front view of the ride. That would complete the game I think. What do you think?


It would be hard.
Theme Park World did it, why not RCT? I've never played Theme Park World, maybe the on ride cam isn't what I think?
joe.'s avatar
That option would raise the minumum graphic card requirements. I think they did the right thing and allow more people to enjoy the game. Besides, if you wanr to ride RCT tracks, save em and open em in No Limits. :)

CBClub member #30 and #364 (renewal)

It isn't that great. Anyway the graphics sucked in the game.
Why does everyone want first-person view? I'm glad it's not in there. I'd rather watch it in third person.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

In Theme Park(the old bullfrog game) the on ride view of the coaster wasn't your custom design but a pre made movie of a coaster. It used the same film for the steel and the wood coaster.

I personally like some of the onride movies of some of the other rides better like the haunted house


Probably because they would have to remake the entire game.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

It was not included for the sole purpose of pissing you off.

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Haha, probably true General Public.

"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem

The way I understand it, RCT is designed to show sprites, and not polygons. I best understand, and can best describe it by compareing it to old home video game systems.

Super Nintendo mostly had games made up of sprites, which I understand to be non 3-dementional drawings of characters and objects that are within the game. Some sprite rendered games are Pac-Man, The original Super Mario Bros, and Tetris.

Nintendo 64 and Gamecube, on the other hand, mostly had games made up of Polygons, which I understand to be many flat triangles and squares that are put together to make 3-D shapes that the system can view all sides of. Some games that use polygon graphics are Starfox (on SNES, N64, and GC), Mario Sunshine, and Banjo-Kazooy.

If RTC was rendered in polygons instead of sprites, than a 3-D first person view would be easy to program into the game, but the game would be too graphicly complicated for most computers to handle the amount of polygons the game would need to use.

I don't claim to be an expert on the subject or anything. I am just repeating what I've heard. I hope I've helped instead of looking like an ass.

Please God, help me to spell words correctly, so that I don't get insulted by people who are perfect and wiser than myself. Amen

I think there should be a view from right behind the train, just like move the camera like 30 degrees to make it look closer to the train.

Don't Worry- Its ONLY 230 feet tall.

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