Olympic "Roller Coasters"

Hey, I was checking out one of the sites for the Olympics and came across some videos.  Check out the Bobsleigh one!  Ahhhh, if only Intamin Bobsleighs  could do that...  Anyway, here's the link.
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Do do you think they'll retrofit Avalanche at PKD where instead of a chain lift you have to push the train while running up a ramp then jump in?  ...Just a thought
Is it the roar of Kumba or the kumba of Roar? Discuss!
Actually, Spacecase8310, I have watched park maintenance people do exactly that with a Schwarzkopf Wildkatz when clearing it out of a brake during a block test. I won't say what park I saw this at, but it was two guys who pushed the car off the brake and hopped in for the ride to the next brake.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

A push start is SOP for Leap The Dips.
For all of you confused people at home SOP means standard operating procedure.

Speaking of olympic coasters, I heard a while back that Cincinatti is trying to bring in the olympics and that a possible site for mountain biking would be at King's Island. 

Just wait till next year!

rollergator's avatar
I thought SOP was "Schlep out and push"...LOL.
Well, on Leap the Dips I remember watching it run with an operator in the back seat manually pushing off of the side braces to keep the car moving. Note that this was before the side steel was installed.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

RideMan said:
Actually, Spacecase8310, I have watched park maintenance people do exactly that with a Schwarzkopf Wildkatz when clearing it out of a brake during a block test. I won't say what park I saw this at, but it was two guys who pushed the car off the brake and hopped in for the ride to the next brake.
--Dave Althoff, Jr.

By any chance was it the Keansburg wildcat because I have seen all sorts of crazy things happen with that ride???

Go here for some POV videos of the Salt Lake City Bobsled run:


Valleyfair Fan, that's great and all, but putting brakes all over the bike trail would not be very challenging! :) Me, bitter about overbraked coasters? Naw!
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides
Just try going down that run, they have a program up there at Utah Olympic Park, where they let you participate in Bobsled. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY any coaster could come close to actually expriencing that run, it's Incredible!
Lagoon Park, America's SAFEST Amusement Park 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.
Have any of you been to Seven Springs Ski Resort? In the summer they have this thing called The Alpine Slide and you go down the whole mountain on track and you sit on a board and it controls braking and everything. It is really fun (I pretended I was on a coaster)!
Good Times!! Good Times!!
RidgeStone, yesterday on Morning Edition (NPR) they had a correspondent going down the course on a luge sled starting at Turn #12. Made for interesting radio, actually, much to my surprise...!

I think a bobsled (think "coaster car") would be more to my liking than a luge (think "Flexible Flyer"), though.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I think that it would be cool for a park to set up their bobsled right like The Skeleton where you ride face first on a board 3 inches of the trough...:)

Sept. 11th 2001, Slayer released God Hates Us All. The song "Disciple" uncannily describes the events of that day, as well as the anthrax letters that followed.
--Slayer: Thrash band, or the next Nostradamus?

They have one of those apline slides at Raccoon Mountain near Chattanooga, TN.  I believe recently it just closed its doors though.  I remember many weekends spent on it, those things are insanely fun!
CPLady's avatar
Michigan has two bobsled runs, both offer classes and runs from beginner to advanced.  An article in the local paper listed the g forces and I kept thinking that might be a fun way to get my coaster thrills during the winter.
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