It's unfortunate for those of us who do use a hotmail (or yahoo, etc.) address as our primary address, but chances are you have another email address through your ISP, whether it be AOL, MSN, Comcast, a local ISP, etc. Now, whether or not people know how to access that is another story...
Disclaimer: These email addresses were made up, and my apologies if they actually exist.
Edit: Another big reason is because most forums use confirmation emails, which are auto-spawned by scripts. Unfortunately, a lot of the free email services like hotmail and yahoo filter this as spam so the emails, at best, are never received. At worst, it can cause the sending domains to be flagged as a spammer, causing a lot of headache for the webmasters of said domains. *** Edited 10/19/2005 2:35:11 AM UTC by dannerman***
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