Official status of Magnum trims?

From recent trip reports it seems that not only were the trims off, but no one even saw them, which has lead to speculation that they have been taken off.

I tend not to believe anything unless I see a picture or a press release, but, does anyone have any solid info or confirmation on the subject?

I'd be happy if they ran with them off on a regular basis, but I'd be THRILLED if they were gone! Night time rides on a breakless Magnum are hard to beat.

- Peabody
They are there, but were either off or not grabbing hard due to strong headwinds I presume.
Thanks. That was kind of what I assumed, but I was a little bit surprised by people saying they didn't see them.

- Peabody
Joe's right. The trims are definitely still there at the base of the third hill. For both of my rides yesterday they were completely open. On my second ride we caught a nasty headwind at the top of the second hill and we barely crested it. The return trip was slow due to the winds, if the trims grabbed at all we might've found ourselves stuck at the base of a bunny hop.
Trims are shut off for high winds. Also, I wonder if an obvious mechanical problem on Sunday had anything to do with the trims being off. But the trims are still there. No change.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Excellent. I guess that settles it. (I can only hope that they will be off for my visit!)

- Peabody
Stuck in a bunny hop his right. I sat in 6-3, and still it was slow as molasses on the trip back. Gemini Felt like it had more steam for its hops for crying out loud! Thats Magnum Though :)
Robodud's avatar
Okay sorry my bad ;). I must have been too busy enjoying the ride, and probably wasn't looking at the right spot. My friend works at CP and says they are still there and his explanation coinsides with Rideman's theory of why they were shut off.

Once again, Sorry, I was wr.. wr... wrong

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