Off Season PGA drive by.. Is what I saw real?

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I was driving right by PGA on Nov. 4 (yeah its old but the TR fourm needs posts and this question is killing me) The coaster skyline looked normal and what do I see? A Stelth train sitting at the very top of the lift hill. Nov. 3 was the last known day of operation so what was The train doing up their? I rememebr my first time trying to ride Stelth the ride was broken down a couple hours and then evacuated the queue and went down for another. Right before the evac they SLLLLLOOOOWLY raised a train to the same possition, so what gives is this normal!?
S - T - E - A- L - T - H
So Stealth isn't even open anymore?  Why is that?
john peck's avatar
I think he meant that the last day of PARK operation was on Nov 3. PGA does not operate all year long.

Its normal for parks to run their coasters during the off season, and test them.

I believe that most, if not all, coaster parks operate their rides every day...even when they are closed for the season...
Yeah, I work at Magic Mountain...What's your point?
Well not here they don't operate them every day when they are closed.  They are closed here for one good reason, not b/c no one will show up, but b/c the frigid cold tepms reak havok on steel and wood.  Ever been to any Christmas events like Hershey has...they say ahead of time that due to extreme temps that the coasters cannot operate.  I would like to know what park keeps their rides running in the off season.
Phly the Pheonix
Not hardly -- most parks take the trains off the tracks completely in the off season (at least in the cold climates).  For that matter, they mostly disassemble the flatrides, too, and put them under tarps or in storage to protect them from the weather.

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Hey Surf Who in SCV hasn't worked at Magc Mountain.  Even are old people work there.
Cuase Theres Nothing Like a Little R&R, The Riddlers Revenge
I don't think many parks operate their coasters every day even in the off season.  I was always under the impression that they take them off the track, take them apart, replace any parts that need to be replaced, put them back together and keep them in storage till they "put together" the park again for opening day.
I was to Knoebels about a month ago. Some of the rides are so stripped down you couldn't tell what they are unless you were there before. Otheres such as the Power Surge had a big canvas tarp over it. It's amazing how different things look and feel in the off season.
From what ive been told, atleast up at my home park, all coaster cars are removed, and inspected to make sure everything is functioning properly. then stored, and when it comes time for the next season the rides are once again inspected and then put back on the track and tested before opening day
Can you imagine trying to run a coaster with freezing rain on the tracks? It's not very realistic.
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