Obscurity Tour 2005---Part #6--- Myrtle Beach Grand Prix (North Myrtle Beach, SC)

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I was not even aware there was a park in North Myrtle Beach. But it was there and it had an obvious mouse coaster. On Tuesday July 12th I stopped by to get a cheap credit on the Crazy Mouse. I spent a whole 20 minutes at this place after figuring out how ridiculous their pricing was for even kiddie rides. I was hoping my son could have a little fun, but I could not, in good faith, justify their pricing structure!

1. Crazy Mouse---This was your typical spinning mouse ride with the coffin-type cars (Reverchon?). I enjoy almost all of the “new school” mice AND particularly enjoy the spinning element. This ride was no exception. While it certainly is not as fun as the newer Spider-type rides with the banked curves/etc, it would be able to hold its own in almost any park.

2. Wacky Worm---I did not ride this standard kiddie coaster.

    Grand Prix is a roadside park with zero theming. It has the feel of a parking lot carnival. It had a couple flats (Himalaya, Tilt a Whirl, etc), some bumper boats, a couple go-cart tracks, and quite a few kiddie rides.

    They charged $30 ($29.something) for an all-day pass, which was more than Pavilion. You had a ticket option, but the kiddie rides took 2 tickets at $1.50 per.

    Needless to say, I believe that this place is total rip-off! I’m by no means a tight person as evidenced by “tour.” I usually pay for the wristband and go on my way. However, this place is ripping people off who do not want to fight traffic and get down to the Miracle Strip! Off the top of my head, I do not recall more expensive fair ride pricing ANYWHERE! And this is not a good fair!

    There is no reason to go to this place unless you want the credit!

    P.S. The Alligator Park next to this place is actually really nice. I usually skip the reptile sections of zoos/etc, but this place is worth a look. It has some nice theming and certainly is more competitively priced that Grand Prix!

    *** Edited 8/3/2005 6:35:02 PM UTC by Jeffrey R Smith***

    Actually, it used to be a great go-cart park. Now it is an okay go-cart park that added some flats.

    The only Two reasons to go are for the mouse, and the Top Star Tour, the only one in america flat ride that everyone said would never happen. I still have yet to ride because I couldn't get anyone to op it when I was there last. Took an hour to get the Mouse to open. But since I'll be living there soon, I'm sure I'll get it.

    Yeah, I've never really bothered with anything there except the crazy mouse. Alligator Adventure is a much better investment of your time and money. They surely don't skimp on the gators in that place. Do they still have Utan The Super Croc in there?
    Utan was there...so was Bob...the gator without a tail!

    P.S. Top Star did not run my day and did not seem like they wanted it to run or that it had run in a while...

    It always looks like that. They will run it during the day, but you gotta ask an Op. At nite they run it when there are more people there.

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