Not new, but IMPROVED....who's "stock up" in '02..

rollergator's avatar

This is a thread for those rides/parks that impressed you this year for their improvements/enhancements....what I want to know is which rides and/or parks you've RE-visited this year that showed marked improvement compared to your previous impressions....

For starters: SoB wins for "most improved ride". Whatever PKI says or doesn't say, the ride is now as smooth as you could possibly expect from a woodie of THAT size/speed, and it is now the coaster I had hoped it would be when it opened. The trains fly through that first helix nice and smooth compared to the old days....stock WAY up! Second place, right on Sonny's tail, so to speak, is the Georgia Cyclone....the ride ROCKS again, and is now an esteemed member of the "me too club", CI-clones that bear the standard with grace AND power.

"Most improved park": SFKK. Last year we went on the ACE day, and were surprised to find Lola and Stella open together. But, they were slow and screechy, almost boring rides. While still not the showcase CCI masterpieces, we found them to be much better maintained....Thunder Run showed some new lumber/trackwork, and was running like it....a much better ride than last year. Chang, never my fav, was running well, and is still a decent ride. The smoking had decreased considerably, the staff was friendly and helpful, overall the park improved a LOT in my opinion over the past year.

I guess the "point" of this thread is to give credit where it's due....too often we get caught up in the "new", this is just a small way of saying THANKS to those parks who have shown that existing rides can be upgraded in significant ways, and that parks are more than just the newest and latest let's hear it for those rides, and those parks, that may have been around for awhile, but are getting the love and attention they need to keep thrilling us into the future.....

Most Improved Ride(s):

I'll agree with Georgia Cyclone. When I visited SFoG last October, I really wasn't impressed. This spring, I was absolutely blown away by how ferocious the ride was.

Hoosier Hurricane: The re-tracking over the winter was great, and the hints of air on the out section are a welcome bonus.

Raven: Holy crap! I honestly didn't get the hype when I rode last September. After riding at SRM this year, I get it.

Raging Bull: OK,OK...So some of you haven't been too impressed this year, but I'm really starting to "dig it."

Edit: Great topic gator!

"drop rides, not bombs."

*** This post was edited by chris on 7/15/2002. ***

Mamoosh's avatar

I'll second Raven's improved performance this year. The new air on drop 4 was a welcomed surprise...for a moment there I thought they'd actually added a drop...LOL!

On the same lines, I liked the PTCs on Legend a lot, too.

I'll also agree about Hoosier Hurricane. Much faster and smoother and there were nice pops of air this year.

Sadly those are really the only comparison I can make as I visited a ton of new parks this year [as if that's bad? sheesh! LOL]

"There's nothing sweeter than a bowling ball with a liquid center" - Homer Simpson

Most Improved rides.

1. Blue Streak at CP. Where did the air and the laterals come from.

2. recaR at PKI - Silky smooth and crazy air. Look at all that new track.

3. The Beast - Viscious before, even more viscious now.

4. Sonny- Much better but you still need to sit ina middle seat.

5. Mean Streak - Ok it still isn't the greatest but it is running the best it has since they put in the first hill trims.

1989, 9 years old bawling my eyes out because I didn't want to ride Magnum. I did anyway and look at me now. Why did ya make me do it Dave? ;)

The most improved award belongs to Premier Rides lap bar restraints... improving coasters for a second straight year.

rollergator's avatar

D'Oh......seems like so long ago I guess I forgot to mention the PTCs on Legend........MASSIVE improvement. Now for Raven, I loved it as much last year as I did this year.....heard of all the work, etc., but I guess I was SO blown away at my first SRM that I noticed no "flaws" in Raven last year.....

Recar also gets serious props, noticeable improvement. Hoosier Hurricane I hadn't ridden before. Beast, modest improvement IMO, but night rides ROCK! CP's wood is better, but I'll never be too happy with MS after those first rides were THAT good.....

Steeleis....Lap Bars on Premiers won last year's a wide margin. RB, I don't get why everyone is so impressed, I'd take Whizzer over that overbraked piece of scrap iron....but that's just MY opinion....;)...I must've caught the Bull the day AFTER the running....

If we are going to mention improved rides, there's no way we can leave out Vortex at PKI. This ride looks amazing with it's new paint job and all that extra track work has made it as smooth as ever! I've never had better rides on Vortex than the ones I had this year! PKI in gerenal improved a lot too, not to mention Son of Beast, Beast and Racer.

Intelligence is a God given gift: Know how to use it.

Most improved? American Eagle blue. (The backwards one.)

I do like Raging Bull more than ever (appriciation thing) but it is a little heavy on the brakes, and a bit too much to win this one.

I did like MS this year too, but I'm not sure how everyone loves Villain so much. That thing is not a very enjoyable ride as far as I'm concerned, and it ALL has to do with the Gerstlauer trains. Put some PTCs on that, and it is a much better ride.

Vortex smoother this year? We must be riding a different Vortex. I loved it last year. Can't stand it this year.

1989, 9 years old bawling my eyes out because I didn't want to ride Magnum. I did anyway and look at me now. Why did ya make me do it Dave? ;)

I'll also agree with Georgia Cyclone. By the end of last season the ride was almost unbearable. This ride has really been kicking butt (in a good way) this season, especially the back. Now they just need to get rid of those uncomfortable PTCs.

My two favorite coasters are named Superman.

BullGuy's avatar

Raging Bull: OK,OK...So some of you haven't been too impressed this year, but I'm really starting to "dig it."

I thought that too, but as of July the ride has been simply amazing.

I-Nar - How could I forget the American Eagle? Hopefully the blue side will keep running backwards for some time.

astrosgp - Those have to be the worst trains on any coaster that I've been on. They are so uncomfortable! If those trains were fixed-up/replaced, Georgia Cyclone would definitly be "Top 10 material" for me.

I guess I did forget about the two most obvious ones, too: The Legend PTCs, and...

LoCoSuMo - Indiana Beach and CCI convert the "so-so" Superstition Mountain darkride into a "funky, freaky, fun-fest."

"drop rides, not bombs."

Carowinds has improved a lot this year. I actually like Hurler and "get" a theme.

"Grit your teeth, bear the load. Enjoy your ride on Thunder Road"

I don't know, Last year at SRM I thought Raven was insane, Then I rode this year! :) By Gosh, I got more air in the backseat of the second to last car than the backseat last year.

Raven is insane anyday now, I was running that way only on super greased days for the past couple of years.

Boss, I did not ride this coaster in the past but heard horror stories of washboarding ect. They have strengthend the structure alot and I found none of that. Now as for ride forces picking you up and bouncing you around, Boss has plenty of that :)

Chuck who also found Shivering Timbers insane, No, Just plain outstanding at night :)

Charles Nungester
Lesourdsville Lake, The great American amusement park opens the season June 6th Thurs-Sun every week. Park phone is (513)539-2193

rollergator's avatar
chris....I hope you're right about Eagle backwards, but I have some concern that the "frivolous" lawsuit may adversely affect our ability to run the coaster that way....(hope NOT)....

Most Improved Looks: Michigan's Adventure

Words can not describe what the park looked like before CF took over. Dirty, ugly, and boring come to mind. The park is now vibrant with colors and looks great with more landscaping. I can't wait to see what the park will look like after another year.

Someone's going to have to fill me in on the American Eagle lawsuit. I thought it was way too smooth to cause any headbanging, which is basically the only problem I can find with any coaster.

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