Not a typical Cedar Point trip report 6-4 to 6-6

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We left Indiana at 2:50 in the morning to try and get to the campground by 8:30am and be in the park by 9:00am. Checked in at 8:30 and dropped off the camper on our site and off to the front gate to figure out how Cedar Point does KBF season passes. We stop at park services to get my son officially measured and the bar does not stop against his head, it touches his scalp but can pass over his head. Policy says the bar has to stop. So no Dragster or Wicked Twister for him today.

We did however get my daughter on all 48"coasters with Milliniuem Force being the first one of the day. Caitlyn only being 6yrs actually kept her hands up on the whole ride the very first time she rode. We rode all the coasters that my kids can get on and went to the camper around 2:00pm and woke my wife up and set the camper up and also made a early dinner. I took a short nap seeing i was up since 2:30am on only 4hrs of sleep. Went back into the park around 5 and rode most of them again.

On our way out we checked my sons height by TTD and it was the same as park Operations. Just touched him but did not stop. Saturday got up around 7:30 and got ready to go in early for resort guests. This time we busted out my sons brand new Sketchers and socks, and guess what? The bar actually stopped and he was cleared for launch. We got the third car for the day. I was more excited for him than he was. As we took off to a speed of 122 and start our ascent I heard him laugh and say WOW at the same time in a chuckled voice. Got to the top hat and he was smiling ear to ear. I yelled to him to put his hand up and he did all the way down.

We got off and handed our parent swap to the ride opp. So my son grabs my wife(who really didn't want to go back on this from last year) and heads up the exit and waits one train to get back on(lucky kid). Me and my daughter go by the bleachers to watch them and as soon as it takes off i was shocked to see my 7yr old son put his hands up and keep them up for the whole ride. Next up was Wicked Twister and my son loved this ride as well and got to ride twice cause of the parent swap. We rode other rides big and small and left by 1:00pm to head out to Put-In-Bay Island. I was dissapointed that the carousel was not put together yet. I love riding the fish when I go on it.

We got back to the campground around 8:30pm and me and Gage headed in to ride MF for a night ride. The line was about 1hr long so we decided to wait it out for the front seat. After a 30 min break down and waiting for the front the wait ended up being just under 2hrs. On our way out to the camper we noticed TTD was getting a new cable installed. The other one broke or was about to break and it didn't look good for a morning ride.

Sunday we woke around the same time and did not hear TTD testing at all so the plan was to run to MF for her morning dispatch and we ended up getting two rides in about 20 mins. We went to Wicked Twister and noticed it was down so we went over to Power Tower around noon to get shot up and was told he was not tall enough. As we were waiting for my wife and daughter we noticed TTD's trains were moving in the station so we lined up in front of the bleacher. Ten minutes later after 4 test runs with employees on it they opened the line. They stopped my son and measured him and he was fine (PT?) Go figure, I think he really didn't stand up tall for PT. We decided to wait it out for the front as we were going to be leaving to come home after this ride. The ride sends out three trains and the fourth one wouldn't launch. After about a hour or so they finally get it going and we are only 7 pairs back. They loaded the trains without any test runs and the second one does not make it over the top hat and rolls back. It takes about 15 mins to roll it back and clear the other train ready to leave. Then a woman was scared and wanted out so they had to let her out manually. As this is happening I noticed nobody is being let into the line, and the ride opp suggest that if we want to ride to pick a different line as severe weather is coming and TTD can shut down at any moment. I decided to wait and two trains go and I noticed it starts to rain. We were still 5 trains away from getting on . I seen a woman that i was talking to during the break down was next and going by herself. So I yelled to her to see if Gage could ride inthe front with her and she didn't mind (Thank you Angel as you are one to get him his first front seat ride). I got switched to two trains behind him in the second seat and got the last trainbefore it shut down due to weather.

What a fun weekend. My son is now at 86 w/TTD and 87 w/WT and my daughter is at 63 different coasters with the new ones she rode thes weekend.

Thanks for reading

IGGY *** Edited 6/8/2004 6:45:49 AM UTC by Iggy ACE***

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
Great TR. Glad that your son got a front seat ride on TTD, the best seat in the house.

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

I still haven't had a front row seat. On my five times on the ride I figured to get on as soon as possible, never knowing would it could break down.
Ride of Steel's avatar
Glad you had fun!

Funny my seven year old brother is right at the 52 inch mark! Same here, his head barely touches, so I have to have him wear his thickest shoes when we go in a few weeks. He is obsessed Dragster and can't wait to ride.

Glad you had fun!

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