Nor Easter 2011

The event started out with a welcome and a quick names with questions about New England parks. There was a very good turnout. The event was held in the employee training area which is upstairs from the employee brake room. The event hosted 4 sales areas. There were about a dozen first timers to a Nor Easter event. It was even the first time at Canobie for a couple visitors. Chris Nicoli welcomed us to the event.

They started out with small park news. The only parks discussed is Storyland’s new Splash Battle named Pharaohs Reign. There are a hand full of other additions and improvements around the area but non were discussed.

Jason Freeman – SFNE
Jason talked about SFI, crowd control is going to be a focus. Mr 6 has been removed from the commercials; commercials will be more regional based with park rides. They will also be focused to the market in which they are advertising. No more wiggles it’s now Kidzopolis. A lot of further comments dealt with Bizaros Sound. And removing the head rests if the sound was removed.

After Peg moved on to Quassy and presented a slide show of Wooden Warriors Construction.
Mike Thompson spoke about ACE regional and national events. He talked about Quassy’s opening day April and the Wooden Warier media event ride event on May 24th. Possibly a Boolderdash event this year. A possible Canobie/Funtown weekend event in August 13 and 4th. Ace Convention will be Jun 18/19th in Dallas. There is also a ACE planed Tour of Texas with trips to Sclitterbahn, SFFT, Sea world, Kemah Boardwalk.

There was a pause to do door prizes before having lunch. While we waited for it to be set up we were shows a few videos. Texas Giant was presented in a couple of them. A video previews Coaster con which is being held in Central Texas this year and a video for NJ parks. Jason presented Canobie with a Plaque of appreciation for hosting the 2011 Nor Easter event. The Ace New England appreciation award was given to Russel Danam.

Jeff Cord presented for the Western NY Coaster Group. Their coaster fest will be going old school featuring 4 parks in 2 days. Derien lake/Sea Breeze with

Chriss Nicoli – Canobie Lake Park
First off they were presented with their plaque for hosting the event. The summer of Superstars returns for another season with Elvis, Michal, Tim, and Janet Jackson. Wildlife Encounters will return for another season. New food options: New Ribs will be added to the Dancing bear, Funnel cake sticks, and Roast beef by Untamed. Cannonball will get a new Wrap for the cars. Untamed is the new ride with a woods theme. Ryan talked about Untamed: There is a fiberglass Grizzly bear that will be part of the themeing. It should open around Memorial lad or Mid jun. Screemfest - Still a new attraction it’s doing well and will continue to grow, they will keep trying to expand, there will be 2 separate Haunt zone: one in castaway and the north end by untamed.

Michael Coutermarsh - New Whalom Park
The New Whalom Park Ownership Program talked about their efforts to develop a Whalom museum and small family attraction Nearby to the lost whalom park. The group has over the last year moved forward in the acquisition of artifacts for the museum. Before a storage building was removed from the original park property The Whalom Program saved 2 coaster cars, a bouncer ride car, Ring toss Bottles, Glass Coke Bottles used for ring toss, and many small artifacts. The group is watching 4 regional properties with plans to build an attraction that consists of a Museum, Restaurant, Indoor amusement area (arcades, rides, and other year round entertainment), and an out door rides section. A focus on controlling noise possibly through an enclosed courtyard. There was also a mention on their designer Andrew Probert a Hollywood/TV production artiest, and ex Disney Imaginer who worked on projects like Back to the Future to Star Trek.

The event went very well. Those in attendance seemed to enjoy themselves. The Event wrapped up with the traditional Auction. SFNE sent in the past Superman ROS Golden Ticket banners and Canobie offered separate Envelops of 4 tickets. The Auction pulled in 80-90 for the tickets. And the Banners went for 25-50 each. Canobie to end the event played for us their Employee video which showcased the parks history as well as many of the modern rides. I really enjoyed this year’s event and it was good to see Members from SFNEonline, the Whalom Forums, Mainly coasters, and other forums at the event

I poster my trip report along with the Q&A for SFNE, New Whalom Park, and Canobie lake park at the Whalom forums: [url]

Photos coming soon, but a small selection of photos form my camera phone can be found here -

SFNE and Whalom were the only 2 parks, other then Canobie, on hand to speak to the group.One of the managers at LC passed so the park was unable to attend.

(Embedded images attempts removed: This forum doesn't allow them, no matter how many times you try. :) -J)

See the entire album here: link

Last edited by Jeff,

I tried to remove then after I realized that but you submit pulled up an error every time time attempted to submit the edit.

Thanks for correcting what the system would not allow me to do for some reason.

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