No Coaster Con XXII

What exactly happens there?  I've read some stuff about it on but they give the quick, general view.  Is it almost like a mini IAAPA with just nearby parks and not a lot of presentations?  Thanks for your future input!
"If two coaster trains almost hit each other, why is it called a near miss and not a near hit?"
Actually no.  There are quite a few parks that do presentations all geared towards enthusiasts.

You can check out ACE's site for this year's line-up.  Basically the day is spent in a convention hall where videos, sneak previews and intimate details of parks new or upcoming attractions are given.  The parks graciously appear and some put on a heck of a show.

This is the place where you get to see CP and PKI "battle" it out.  The reps strive very hard to top each other with their presentations and the attendees are the lucky ones!  These parks, along with the bloved Paula Werne are the outstanding presentations.

There are usually tons of giveaways, buttons, t shirts, candy bars, ride info packets, videos etc.  There are no booths persay, except for one or two selling enthusiast geared merchandise.

Selfishly, I must say.... PKI is the absolute champ of these events and it is worth attending just to see what they have up their sleaves.  I "hear" this year is a dandy!


A.K.A. John K.

Does anyone know what usually happens during the morning and afternoon session?  I might not be able to stay the whole time during the afternoon session and I don't want to miss the giveaways and the presentations from the parks.  I can't beleive the conference has 8 and 1/2 hours worth of time for speakers.  So does anyone who has gone over the years know the schedule?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you very much.
Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM, Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull
stoogemanmoe's avatar
Where is Coastercon this year and can anyone attend? I have alot of free time on my hands, and I want to go to this!

Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)

No Coaster Con is Jan. 19th at Marriot Oak Brook, IL.  Anyone can attend, but it costs a little more for Non-ACE members.  If you get your registration postmarked by Thurs. Jan 3, the price is $32 (members) and $37 (non-members).  The flyer is online at
It will be interesting as it is our first time attending as well!
SFGAm home park for 25 years
Experience the Force in THX

*** This post was edited by Snake Oil Elixir on 1/3/2002. ***

You must be an ACE member by Friday, November 30, 2001 in order to be eligible for the member rate.


Took that directly from the flyer.


beast7369's avatar
Last year I think that they went a bit longer than what was on the schedule.  It is well worth staying until the very end of the event as some parks let you get stuff right after their presentation and other make you wait until a break in activities.  For anyone who has never been it is a must go.  I actually think even non-enthusiasts would have a good time.
Now open Zero-G Thrills, an all new Coaster and Amusement Park Photos site
rollergator's avatar
I just got my flyer in the mail today when I got home from order to have it postmarked today, I would need to be able to predict the flyer's arrival and turn it around in the same day.  If I lived "up north", I would really try to go to one of these events...there are some really cool presentations, and parks sometimes bring cool stuff, etc. for attendees.  But the best part is getting to meet the really nice people from some of the parks...and you might be lucky enough to run into a few 'buzzers - I won't call them out though...
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 1/3/2002. ***

stoogemanmoe's avatar
Cool! I'll be there! Thanks for the info. 

Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)

EDIT: Found more precise info/ stupid double post!

*** This post was edited by Snake Oil Elixir on 1/4/2002. ***

Just to let everyone know, this was posted over at

Due to the short registration period caused by the lateness of the mailing, ACE will accept faxed registration forms at the advance registration rate until 5:00 CST on Monday, anuary 7, 2002. If you would still like to register at the the advance rate, pay the registration costs with Visa or MasterCard and fax your completed form to ACE at (913) 262-0174. ACE apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the lateness of the mailing."

SFGAm home park for 25 years
Experience the Force in THX

*** This post was edited by Snake Oil Elixir on 1/4/2002. ***

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