No Coaster Con action shots available

Posted | Contributed by ShiveringTim

Intense action shots of this year's No Coaster Con available. Presenters include representatives from Cedar Point, Kings Island, Six Flags Great America, and Holiday World.

Link: Midwest Coaster Central

I like how ShivTim stated these are 'intense action shots'.

I especially liked the shot of Jeff Siebert staring blankly at the camera. What 'intense action'! (lol)

Kind of sounds like those old Hollywood trailers for 40s-50s era movies.....

SEE various ACErs sitting in chairs!
FEEL the texture of the salad as you chew!
WATCH in horror as presenters show their latest and greatest creations in conceptual art pieces and videos!

N O N C O A S T E R C O N !!!!!!


*** This post was edited by Chris Rettig on 1/16/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Chris Rettig on 1/16/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Chris Rettig on 1/16/2001. ***
ShiveringTim's avatar
I'm glad someone out there enjoyed my description :)

Scott W. Short
what are all the pictures of on the Kings Island display?
Hey, I know the CP rep from that day! Actually, I really know his mom and sister as they were part of a tour group I was on who toured Italy a few years back. His mom knows I am a coasterholic and she told me he was traveling to Chicago to give a presentation to coaster enthusiasts. Little did I expect to find his picture on a website from that event.

I know, the rest of you are thinking, "What, does he want a cookie?" :)


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
I bet you know his mom and sly dog you. Now we all really know what your name really means.


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
Didn't make it to No Coaster Con this year- Did Brian Edwards give a date for Coastermania? Is it June 1st?
ShiveringTim's avatar
Yes, Coastermania is on June 1st this year. He also mentioned that due to the large number of people that attended last year, they're considering adding three coasters per ERT session as opposed to two. Something interesting I noticed on the official webpage. Scheduled closing for that day is 8pm, not the 10pm as in the past. Hmmm.

Scott W. Short
Can anybody tell me what the pictures of Paramount`s Kings Island were about? You really can`t make them out that well from the picture
ShiveringTim's avatar
They're just artist renditions and logos of the 2001 attractions: 7th Portal, Wild Thornberry's River Adventure, and Rugrats Runaway Reptar coaster. Don't quote me on the names. I don't have the official details here with me. I did get some video of these pics and hope to have screen captures of them available soon.

Scott W. Short
ShiveringTim do you have any official information or know when some will be available?
What did Jeffrey Siebert say?

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