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That's a really nice web-site: I enjoyed reading your trip reports. Interesting that you preferred Hyper Sonic to TTD. I like a controversal opinion :-) I wonder if any others share your view? I'm sure that PKI would be well-pleased to hear more of your kind of feedback about the ride, given that it was significantly cheaper than TTD, which is having reliability issues of a similar magnitude.
But, then a week or so later I rode TTD in the front seat twice in one day and it just kicks Hypersonic all over the room. Hypersonic's weak attempt at a "complete" ride, its relative lack of height for the same initial punch and the instantaneous end to the punch, as opposed to the seemingly neverending pressure of TTD just puts TTD in a whole new class. Hypersonic vs. Xcelerator? It's a tossup in my book, but TTD takes the cake.
And to make it relevant, decent series of trip reports, and I like your page a lot. I was considering setting something like that up for myself in the near future with TRs, pics, reviews, etc. and just seeing where it goes.
Resident Launch Whore
*** This post was edited by Impulse-ive 9/9/2003 4:20:01 PM ***
Dragster Laps - 21
Trips to the Point (2003) - 19
The Trip: CP, SFWoA, PKI, KW, HW, IB, SFGAm, MiA and LeSourdsville too.
8 Days- 10 parks. May 2003
The kick off Hypersonic is so much better than that on Dragster though...
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