Does anyone know if there will be nightlife in the 2nd one? Such as night ride lights, lights on walkways and buildings and if you wanted to go into more detailed lights on chain lifts on coasters ext...Be realy cool to have nightlife in the 2nd one.
Valleyfair Security 2002! 4years Security :). 8Years working at Valleyfair :)! "As everyone says got to get to Cedar Point and ride it"
That would be so cool. It would be nice to have a function that switches back and forth from night to day at the users command.
It won't happen and probably never will. Remember this is a game and while enthusiasts may want it for the realistic purposes it would cause to much pause in the game.
Does anyone ever put lampposts in their parks? They serve no purpose! There better be night-life cuz I want to see those lamps light up!
Cedar Point: America's Rockin' Roller Coast!
Does anyone ever put lampposts in their parks? They serve no purpose! There better be night-life cuz I want to see those lamps light up!
Cedar Point: America's Rockin' Roller Coast!
D-Mon of Darkness
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