Niagra Falls to Cedar Point are they that close?

My parents, and I are planning a trip to Niagara Falls for the middle of August. I was looking on Mapquest, and it says Cedar Point is four hours from Niagara Falls. My father told me he heard of a ferry that takes cars into Ohio from Canada. IM not sure. Can anyone shed some light on this? Has anyone had personal experience with a drive from the Niagara Falls area, and how long did it take you?
There is a ferry that leaves from Lemmington Ontario, near Point Pelee. It's quite expensive though and the schedual is not that good (not to mention the ferry does take a while.. a few hours if I recall correctly). You're better off driving.

1-800-661-2220 for ferry info

I used to live in Erie, PA. My immediate family still does. From Erie to CP is about 170 miles and from Erie to Niagara Falls is about 95 miles, so you're looking at around 265 miles altogether. My total time for those trips adds up to about four hours so Mapquest isn't too far off. Don't be surprised to encounter a little road construction along the way (it's summer). The speed limit is 65 for much of the way. There are tolls in New York if you stay on I-90. I don't know anything about the ferry but somehow I doubt that would be any quicker than driving along the shore the entire way.
I live one town over from Niagara Falls. It does take about 4 hours to get there.

Unless you drive fast and get back in an hour and a half like we did last year :).


An hour and a half? "Wow, they've gone to plaid!"

Let's assume that you're a bit closer to CP, and know of a shortcut, relative to DirtyApe's distances (which sound about right). Let's call it 230 miles, give or take.

230 miles / 1.5 hours = 153 mph average speed. I think you're exaggerating just a tad.

--Greg, aka Oat Boy
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"Another visitor. Stay a while. Stay FOREVER!"
*** This post was edited by GregLeg 7/19/2003 11:04:17 AM ***

DawgByte II's avatar
Considering that NY Police is autrocious (sp) on the I90 from Erie to Buffalo, I highly doubt you did over 80mph, because they got a lot of hiding spots.

The best you could ever do would be 3.5hrs, and that's being generous. The distance to Niagara Falls added is an additional half hour, or 20 minutes...

But I did go from Cedar Point to the Buffalo area in 4hrs, averaging about 75mph, maxing out a little higher, but taking in for some slower traffic spots. There's really no way it can be done in less.
Worlds of Adventure takes an average of 3hrs alone!

From Niagara Falls Ontario to Cedar Point via QEW to 190 to I 90 is about 5- 6 hours depending on how you drive and factoring cusstoms sometimes it can get backed up depending on what time and where you cross the boarder, I live an hour east of Cedar Point ( right off I 90 and thats at about 85 mph) and about 4 hours west and thats at regular speeds) of Niagara Falls, times will vary depending on speed and traffic, but also as far as cops go, I haven't really had a problem all you have to do is keep your eyes open ahead of you and read traffic,

Ride the Conneaut Lake Blue Streak!

If you will be in NF, NY, its really not a bad trip. It sounds like you will be on the Canadian side, so I would advise you to cross into NY at the Rainbow bridge, and follow the signs to Grand Island, since the traffic on that bridge isn't bad. Crossing at the Peace Bridge (which is the bridge at the end of the QEW that leads to Buffalo) can be pure hell during the summer. If you time it just right, crossing the Peace Bridge is easy, otherwise you could be caught in truck traffic for about an hour.

Leaving from my house in Depew (45 min from NF), a trip to CP is about 4 hours.

Don't ever underestimate the psycho factor in my head

Gosh I wish I could get them turbo jet afterburners for my car… A trip from Niagara Falls Canada or Niagara Falls New York to Sanduski Ohio (Cedarpoint) in four hours or four and a half hours? Only in people’s wildest dreams will it be possible. I live in Lancaster, NY – (Buffalo) and the last two times, by car, we went to Cedar point it took just over six hours one way. People who are saying the trip can take less than four and half hours are wrong and even MapQuest in this trip is being way too conservative with the time estimate. I am so confident that you will not be able to make the trip in four and half hours or less from Niagara Falls to Cedarpoint that if you come up with a legitimate way to verify the time, four and half hours or less, it took I will pay for one season pass for four years of any park you choose. Not all the roads have posted speed limits of 65 miles an hour or higher! Even if you were to put the pedal to the metal at 80 miles and hour you would still be hard pressed to make the trip in less than five hours. My suggestion would be for you to find someone who has access to triple AAA, go down with him or her to an office and have them map out the route and give you a realistic travel time and not the wishful travel time you are presently hearing about your quest from Niagara Falls to Sanduski. .
Your looking at 5 hrs from Niagara Falls its 276 miles but lets round it up to 300 at 60mph is only 5 hrs.

You will be taking major highway the whole time I90 all the way to cleveland even after that it highway till sandusky then you hit the slow roads. I90 is 65 and 70 in some places you will make it in about 5hrs.

As for going 80mph for 5hrs it will get 400 miles in that time way more than 300 miles from niagara falls is to sandusky.

Army Rangers lead the way

Well after talking we decided to go take a visit to Kennywood, and maybe Cedarpoint instead of the falls. Thanks for all the info.
Unbelievable with the time estimates I am seeing. Believe it or not there are traffic lights, stop signs, other vehicles on the roadways, and even some road cosntruction. Don't just look at the total distance and try and compute an accurate time based on the maximum allowable driving speed. It will not compute. If you do elect to exceed the speed above the usual 5 mile leeway then you also need to concider the high risk of that traffic citation, higher insurance premiums, and fine.
In any case perhaps you will find the time next vacation to hit Niagara Falls and then Six Flags Darien Lake. Have a nice trip!
I drive every week to niagara falls and back I live outside Jamestown NY it does not take me more than 1 3/4 hrs to get there, and I'm a season pass holder to CP who does the trip 1-2 a month during summer and it does not take more than 3 1/2 hrs to get there. Just got home when I typed this out from today took only 3hrs and 5 mins tonight. So believe what you want I drive it and I know the distance.

Army Rangers lead the way
*** This post was edited by supermandl34 7/19/2003 9:55:02 PM ***

jkpark's avatar
Just swim across Lake Erie. ;)


It's about 4 to 4 1/2 hours. My friend and fellow Raptorboy Adrian lives in Tonawanda, NY (about 20 minutes from the falls) and that's what it usually takes him. I went to visit him last summer (live 20 minutes south of CP) and it was right around 4 1/2. So, parkenthusiast, you are on crack if you dont' think it can be done. Just make sure you do the drive on the American side, otherwise it will be 5-6 hours. I-90 all the way to Sandusky, very easy. Or get off on to the 2 in Cleveland and take that the rest of the way.

There are tolls on I-90 in NY and in Ohio once the 90 joins up with the turnpike.

I would recommend skipping the falls, I mean the falls are cool, the casino isnt the greatest, gets really packed, and the bars and clubs aren't all that great and most the museums are the typical tourist trap stuff that can be found all over the world anyway, so unless your between the ages of 19 and 21 and are going to drink then the trips fine but other than that NF
as far as the distances I don't know what stop signs and traffic lights the one dude is talking about because if you cross at the Peace Bridge I think you may hit one stop sign or light as you get onto 190, but after that you have a toll booth or 2 then upunti the Rye Beach or 250 exit in Sandusky you have zero lights and stop signs, after the rye beach exite I believe you have maybe 3 traffic lights before the causeway give or take a few, and as far as I90 is concerned you may have some traffic as you leave Buffalo then barely any until you hit Rt 44 about 1.2 hr outside of cleveland then your up for anything goes until you hit the 90 2 split around Lorain, I'd bet more toward the 5 hour trip than anything less because there is some traffic and I know of atleast 2 or 3 areas of construction in Ohio not sure whats going on in Pa and Ny haven't been out that way since winter. but if your looking for more places to hit Conneaut Lake is about 1/2 hr down route 11 from where 11 and I90 meet and then SFWOA is about a 1/2 hour from where I90 meets I271.

I dunno what the h3ll the crack head is talking about higher insurance premiums and all this other stuff, I tend to speed on the freeways and avg a ticket every 2 yrs, my insurance has never gone up, rather with age it goes down, its half of what it was when I was 16, and then sayign the mileage doesnt compute, at regular speeds it takes me 4 hr give or take a few to get two NF, Ont, depending on tolls and customs and const, then from my house (I live in ohio like 5 min off I90) it takes me about 1 hr give or take a few thats at normal speeds ,and if you use your fingers 4 +1 = 5 thats five hours at normal speeds 55-60mph along with stoping at angola to drain the vein stretch and maybe eat. So if you figure it out the mileage fron NF Ont to sandusky, Oh is roughly 275 give or take a few, so if you decide not to stop at all and drive about 61 mph then that brings you to about 4 1/2hrs, if you bump it up a bit to like 70 75 or 80 then factor in some const some traffic you can still make it in 4.5 hrs, 5 hours is more practical to plan for esp if your not used to the area I90 can get a bit confusing if your not local around cleveland but its an easy short route, I would hate to go on a trip with you, seems like you could turn a 1 hr drive into 4.

*** This post was edited by Fxnib 7/20/2003 9:34:43 AM ***

If you're desperate you could always FLY there......but that opens up another whole topic of discussion......

"That's DOCTOR Evil. I didn't spend six years in evil medical school to be called 'Mr. Thank You Very Much.'"
It is not close, but you can still drive to Sandusky and back in one day.

Me, and my friend drove from Toronto to Cedar Point, and back in one day!

Blaster_1578 – I would hate to go on a driving trip with you buddy. Interstate 90 does not go toward the direction of Cerdarpoint once you past Lorain. Interstate 90 continues to run parallel in the direction you want to go but it is south of where you want to be. Past Lorain you want to go in a North West heading and that is where you depart from interstate 90. If you think you can negotiate the congestion of the on ramps, off ramps and highway may hem around the Cleveland area and make this trip in four and a half hours or less then it is obvious you have not driven this trip to the destination points of our discussions here. You want four seasons passes, do the trip in four and half hours or less and you got them. When I win, I get the same in addition to food coupon books for the four seasons as well. Remember there must be a legitimate way to verify the actual time. Destination is at Cedarpoint not just in Sandusky. I want to be able to sniff the cotton candy 8-). Do not take on the challenge if you are going to drive like a maniac and endanger yourself or more importantly others. Traffic citations and or other expenses are your responsibility.

Fxnib – To insinuate there are no obstacles in point A to point B in this road trip is ludicrous. What is more laughable is your insinuation that one can get multiple traffic speeding tickets and not have there car insurance premiums go up. Sure you can get away with a speeding ticket reduced to a parking ticket and go to traffic school once or twice but the luck runs out. You plan on going through Erie PA at a high rate of speed, HE HE HA HAHA LOL LOL LOL OMG OMG Fuuuunnnnyyyyyyy. I have made this trip at least twice and my cousin has made the trip once. Four and half hour is not possible for the to and from destination points we are talking about. I have nothing to gain by saying otherwise. Be realistic, be safe, and do not try and encourage people who do not know the real drive time to take the trip in one day.
CPLady's avatar
So when are we going to have transporters ala Star Trek so we don't have to worry about how long it takes?

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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