Next year's SFGAm Fright Fest

I know this year SFGAm's Fright Fest wasn't as good as the past years. But next year do you think it will be better like the old years?

Yes I belive it will be like, past years next year. This year I think they had to cut back cause there wasnt a new ride and not as many people came. Or it could be they had to cut back cause they are getting a new coaster in 2003.

My top 11 coasters
1)Hulk 2)Raging Bull 3)Dueling Dragons 4+5)B:TR 6)Iron Wolf 7)V2 8)RNRC 9)Viper (SFGAm) 10+11)American Eagle

One would hope.

The budget cuts at Six Flags parks across the country continue, and will do so for the foreseeable future. But I do think that becuase of the lackluster turnout and the way the park cuts costs this past season, they can't afford to have another crappy Fright Fest. Then again, will the bad reception this year hurt future years?

"We don't sit on your dining room table, so please don't sit on our silver handrails"

I wouldn't consider this years Fright Fest "crappy". Their halloween decorations were still better than a lot of parks, even if it wasn't as good as past years.

As for next year, I think Fright Fest will be better. 2002 was just an "off year", I suppose, well I hope.

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's

I went to SFMM's and it seemed real sparce, this was my first fright event of any kind, Only Gotham city was really done well.
See THE ULTIMATE in Orlando TR'S! Right now in the TR fourm!
I hope they have the Boo Line next year.
yes, and hopefully with something better than Pig Man.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

Oh God... they did that horrible Pig Man thing again this year? I didn't go because of how horrible Fright Fest was 2001. Fright Fest at SFGAm has gotten worse each year since 1999, so it'll either continue to get worse, or they'll bounce back for 2003.

Rest in Peace - Shockwave - 1988 - 2002
"My other car is a B&M Floorless."

What was wrong with Fright Fest 2001??! I thought that was the best one ever (that I can remember anyway).


I rode Boo line with Pig Man in 2001. they didn't have it in 2002, though. the train wasn't even running for FF 02.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

The reason why it wasnt good wasnt cause there wasnt a new ride. The only people that were aloud to decorate were the full time employees. So there were not enough workers to decorate the place.
BullGuy's avatar
Bob, the train was running, but it wasn't themed as Boo Line. Hopefully that'll be back next year...

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

Raptorgeist said:
Oh God... they did that horrible Pig Man thing again this year? I didn't go because of how horrible Fright Fest was 2001. Fright Fest at SFGAm has gotten worse each year since 1999, so it'll either continue to get worse, or they'll bounce back for 2003.

Rest in Peace - Shockwave - 1988 - 2002
"My other car is a B&M Floorless."

I thought in 2001 the park did great for Fright Fest. One of there best years.

*** This post was edited by SFGA 11 on 12/8/2002. ***

So they toned it down in most spots. That doesnt make it horrible.

Orleans Place, Yankee Harbor and Necropolis were great this year IMO.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

Yes, I'll admit that this years fright fest wasn't as good as past years, but how could you not love getting chased around by clowns with knifes in Orleans Place??

Restraining orders are just another way of saying I love you.

I just wonder if there will even be an Orleans place next year. They might transform it into "DC Comic Land" *Shudders*
Highly doubt they will do that, but although i did think that fright fest wasn't as good as last year, they sure did one hell of a job on Necropolis! I think it was they best i have seen ever!!! Scary as Hell walking through there at night...

Surfs up in Hollister, CA! Later Dudes...

What is Pigman? I was only at fright fest for 99. The rest I've shyed away from due to being overcrowded.


the train becomes the boo line railway and they show you the legend of Pigman. from what I remember (I wasn't really paying attention), the people who owned the land before Marriot had a son. he was deformed and looked like a pig. he starts killing people, and is eventually thought dead when Marriot/Six Flags buy the land. turns out he's not and more people are showing up dead. probably the only cool part was when some "police" were in a standoff with Pigman and they blew up his hut. the only problem was that it was back in the trees by Whizzer so you could barely see it. the other cool part was when he kidnapped a woman off the train in the Hometown Square station. otherwise, it was dull, boring, and unimaginative.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

I thought the most pathetic part of the Pigman thing, was that when you pull into the Hometown Square station, all Pigman is is a guy with a cheap pig mask on walking up and down the train going "UHHHH!!!" Followed by him kidnapping an actor off the train, and her getting saved by "cops." Everyone on my train just had a blank stare, sort of like "this is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen." It was terrible!

Rest in Peace - Shockwave - 1988 - 2002
"My other car is a B&M Floorless."

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