Next Add-On for RCT!?!

Has anyone heard of an addition to the RollerCoaster Tycoon lineup? I think they are currently working on a new game, but I don't know if it's an add-on or completely new program. Either way, I am really excitied about getting on of them because I was not fortunite enough to get Corkscrew Follies!!!! :( Oh Well, there is always B-Days!
Jeff's avatar
I just read something in either PC Gamer or PC Accelerator (probably the latter because they have a sick sense of humor) where they called RCT a surprise hit. They followed that comment up with something along the lines of "Chris Sawyer would be stupid not to be working on the sequel."

Let's hope they're right!

Webmaster/Admin -
Yeah, that would be cool. Roller Coaster Tycoon 2000! :). I think i read something like that over at Danimation.

Bryan, AKA CP-god
There is a lot of false information at Danimation. This is the site for the "real" deal.

Any new news at ??
Boy it is a good thing they finally got the ride exchange back up........oh wait they didn't. HA HA
Yea, what is up with the ride exchange. Maybe we need Jeff to use his website talent and get that running again :) !
Matt Bly
I second that SFOhio. What's funny is it still says that they hope to have it ready by january 2000 HUM????
I'd love to see another add on including older rides like the Traveler swinging rockets, Turtle,Kangaroo, Noah's Ark, whip,tilt a whirl, Two armed wheel with gondolas,paratroopers,swings, bouncy castle. Thats what it needs more flat rides and maybe some arcades and walking vendors.
What does everyone else think?
I think the game is in real need of flat rides like Break Dance, Music Express, and larger carousels would be cool too. I'd also like to see more old rides like the Old Mill and Cuddle Up, and how about a four abreast inverted? How bout it?
jeff, what does coding of the new ride exchange mean in Lehmans terms. That is what there webmaster said. Just wondering how far along that is in the process?? the ride evolution they added is ok also. But yeah a 4 abreast inverted would be nice, and also steeper decline and incline angles for steel and steel corkscrew coasters.
It also should have some of the rides that Cedar Point has in Kiddy Kingdom like the little jets and the little motorcycles that go in circles. That would give more diversity in the Gentle Ride area. They also need something like Calypso or Swabinchen(sp?).

Thank you for riding Raptor and enjoy your day here at Cedar Point, America's RollerCoast!
The sequel should be a total park simulation where any ride in real life is available in the game and you need to hire,pay and train staff to operate rides and run concessions. *** This post was edited by Beavis on 2/5/00. ***

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