NEWS: SFNE purchases land in bordering town

As reported in a local newspaper, property in the town of Suffield, Ct., which borders Agawam, Ma., was purchased by Six Flags, Inc. The land is located near, but not next to, the park and was sold for $327,000. What could this mean in terms of the park's next move? Perhaps more parking for increased attedance...Who knows, just thought I would fill you all in. Here is a map of the area. The purchased land is on the right side of the road in the middle of the map. The south end of the park/parking lot is the grey (pavement) in the right/top section of the map:

*** This post was edited by CoasterGuy on 3/8/2002. ***

how close is the land? personally i think this means that they're going to expand the park into the lot next to it. thus, the parking will be across the street and the new land.

221' drop on SROS is more like 8000'

Finally, CT gets a piece of the action. Now this park is gonna be kinda like Paramount's Carowinds in that they both border 2 states. SFNE (MA, CT) Paramount's (SC, NC). SWEET!:-D

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit for info. and pics of SFNE, including NEW constr. pics of B:DK!!! I feel you all know that I was formerly known as srosatsfne now;)

Actually, I believe this will be a replacement parking lot for the one they are building on right now. Just my 2 cents.
I know that they aren't gonna put rides there but at least some of SFNE's property is in CT now. That would seem like a long walk. I hope they make a new entrance into the south section of the park. They used to have one when it was Riverside.

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit for info. and pics of SFNE, including NEW constr. pics of B:DK!!!

Darn! Im glad that its gettiong land but I wish my homw park stays the only one bordering two states. Am I being greedy? :) LOL

800,000 years in 7 seconds: Time Machine the movie or next S&S creation?

Arrow said they might put a 4D in two Northeastern SixFlags parks in 2003.Land is a step. Maybe thats where they are going to build it. Hmm

*** This post was edited by SFNE Man on 3/9/2002. ***

SFNE man, I don't think so. First of all, it's a rumor. Second, why would they expand and put rides on a piece of land that you'd have to tram to? IMO, I think it has a 95% chance of being parking. They're going to expand into the parking lot next to SFNE and use the parking across the street and the new land for parking.

With a new account, couldn't you think of something more original for a name? I mean there's sfne guy, sfne freak, sfne boy, etc. I'm a SFNE person too, but my name is original.

221' drop on SROS is more like 8000'

Hey, SFNE (Man). Good to see you back. (I hope you noted the extreme sarcasm in my post)

SFNE drops the "floor" on SFNE for 2002! Visit for info. and pics of SFNE, including NEW constr. pics of B:DK!!!

Could it be that they are looking to get into the Resort business as many other parks are?

wahoo skipper said:
Could it be that they are looking to get into the Resort business as many other parks are?

I havent thought of that, it could be.

**my name was SFNEboy but i changed it because there were to many SFNE_____ people**

*** This post was edited by blinkboy14 on 3/9/2002. ***

It could very well be for a hotel and parking lot to transform the park into a North Eastern thrill desination. Wahoo Skipper could be right, I have a hunch on this one!
I think its only for parking, while the parking lot near batman will be for future development, like coasters, rides, and probably some specific themed area.

Out of the coasters i've ridden here is what I rank them overall:(ive been to canobie lake and SFNE)
1. S:RoS 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Riverside Cyclone 4. Canobie
Corkscrew 5. Thunderbolt 6. Galaxy 7. Mind Eraser 8. Dragon coaster 9. poison ivy's tangl

Good job blinkboy, this is the kind of cooperation this site needs.

221' drop on SROS is more like 8000'

ok, I am not sure how much land was bought but...... Considering that this is Six Flags.... It is going to be a water park. Most likely named Huricane Harbor. They've done this with SFGAdv, yes SFGAdv did have a water park section.The slides in the current water park in SFNE are going to be refurbished and moved to make it look like new slides. Reasons they are doing this. 1. They want to make more money. 2. They need more land for SFNE. This is just my reasons i THINK it is going to happen.Then, that thing about a 4d could come true, and would take up most if not all of the water park
The rumored 4D probably won't go to SFNE just because of the simple fact that they already got a coaster for 2002.

A Vekoma SLC would do Nebraska wonders! :-)

Good thinking. I would have never thought of that. But what I really think is that they'll turn the new land into parking. Then the current main parking lot will be expanded for rides, coasters, etc. Other parking will be across the street and the entrance will probably be relocated.

221' drop on SROS is more like 8000'

Also I think the two 4d's if this comes true will go to Great Escape replacing Steamin Demon or in the back in a new "themed area". The other will either go to SFNE or SFDL because those are the only two "New England" SF parks. If they don't have to go to New England parks, then I'd pick that they'd go to GE and SFGAdv.

221' drop on SROS is more like 8000'

But what I really think is that they'll turn the new land into parking. Then the current main parking lot will be expanded for rides, coasters, etc. Other parking will be across the street and the entrance will probably be relocated.

Thats what I was thinking, and that would be the most logical thing to do.

A Vekoma SLC would do Nebraska wonders! :-)

Medusa1681- Are you suggesting SFNE will relocate the current waterpark and expand it in it's 'new' location and turn it into a separate-admission park? I really don't think they would move an entire water park. What a waste of money! It just doesn't make sense...Why would they waste time building an entire water park and then relocate and rebuild the whole thing and tear up the old one? I must admit, it does sound very Six Flags-like, and somehow, I can picture them doing this. Certainly isnt logical thinking by any means.

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