New way from SFGAm to MIA and back

If you live around Chicago or Michigan, this may be the perfect way to get from SFGAm to MIA and vice versa without dealing with the headaches of car travel through northwest Indiana and Chicago.

I am assuming St. Josephs is near Muskegon (MIA)and I know for a fact that Waukegan is right near SFGAm. Check this article out from the Muskegon Chronicle,

You can also read an article from the Chicago Tribune about this story (if you are a member which is free),1,7572128.story?coll=chi%2Dnews%2Dhed

'Hey Magnumforce, here is your calling' :)

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity.

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 1/11/2003. ***

Hope they don't name their ship "Edmund Fitzgerald!"

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

HAHA there we go Chitown Thats what I am talking about LOL.

Belive it or not I have thought about taking the ferry across the lake even before it went to Waukegon. Woudl be a fun trip. St. Joe is pretty far south though. At least an hour and a half, maybe two from MIA. But I live by Toledo anyway.

But as much of a pain in the butt as it sometimes can be I'll still drive. But this may be a viable option someday. 2 hours to wakegon is less then it would take driving through a traffic Jam. I woudl be a lot more interested if it was a car ferry like those from Muskegon to Manitowoc. But thats just too slow, and too far from Chicago.

Can't wait to get out there for BuzzCon this year.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Yes Virginia, I am Santa Claus!

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 1/11/2003. ***

Is St. Joseph really that far from Muskegon? argghh!!! Oh well, its still a cool way to get over the lake and at a pretty good rate of speed to(the article says from Waukegan to St. Joseph is about 2 hours.

Well, if you live near St. Joseph and want to visit SFGAm, this is a good alternative.

'Chitown', who is destined to get Magnumforce a purty Duck. :)

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

I might have to go to the army surplus and pick one up one of these days Chitown. ;)

Yeah St. Joe is pretty much just north of Michigan City but still in Michigan.

But that works better for me anyway as I live way down south.

If you have Acrobat here is a map of the southwest corner of the state. Muskegon is at the very top and St. Joe is down at the bottom.

I live in Hudson, at the bottom halfway between Hillsdale and Adrian. In the middle of cornfields. That woudl be this map.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Yes Virginia, I am Santa Claus!

St. Joe/Benton Harbor is approx. 25miles north of the Indiana border. I'm in South Haven which is 25miles north of St. Joe, but with the speeds that the average driver goes on I-94 are well over the legal limits. Usually, it takes me 2 hours and 20 minutes for the 180mile (approx) journey. Everyone flies on I-94!
The only time it would really help would be if someone in this area wanted to arrive at opening. Then us "michiganders" might beable to enjoy that extra hour of sleep instead of wasting it in traffic!
.....Now that I think about it, maybe I'll have to take this ferry acouple times this year :)

"I make it a rule never to get involved with possessed people. Well, it's more of a guideline than a rule." - Dr. Pete Venkman/Bill Murray

Back in May I found some info about two different operators looking to start up ferry service from Muskegon. It looks like now there's only one operator still moving forward on plans (though delayed now from 2003 to 2004).

It's to be a high-speed ferry between Milwaukee and Muskegon, with the trip supposedly taking 2 hours.

Info: and (do a Google search and you'll probably find more)

Sounds very tentative at this point, but it'd be a nice option if it does get off the ground.


mapquest says 88 miles between st joseph and muskegon. and this is a people ferry, not a vehicle ferry so you have a long walk once you get to the michigan side. maybe ST Chick can give everyone a lift.. ha ha.

*** This post was edited by DaCoasterMan on 1/11/2003. ***

Don't forget that it said passenger only, no cars. At least initially.

"We don't sit on your dining room table, so please don't sit on our silver handrails"

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