New Type Of Theme Park...

I liked the initial concept of making the public very much involved in the planning, but you must give a base to start from. Then get people's reactions, and adjust your plans. You will not please everyone! Please remember that. You must alientate some people in order to attract others. You will never survive if you plan on catering only to enthusiasts. I would suggest you begin by catering to families

Do more planning then come back for opinions. Pick a site. Is there enough available land near Indianapolis that would be affordable for a park. Will you even have a chance of getting planning permission to build a park in that area. You should acquire that land first because that will be your canvas on which to paint the park. That will also determine the size and terrain for the park.

Like I said above you will never please everyone and you will not be able to include everyone's ideas, so I recommend that you start with your ideas, and get other's opinions about them.

How about you start as a circus and play the clown that you are!

formally known as Flying DutchMan, Alpengiest is the best!

Dude, I got THE idea man. Get only Defunct rides. Revive the good ones. Oh, man this is so original. Buy, like, King Cobra from PKI. Oh, Oh, rebuild the Bat. This will be a gold mine. And you have such an advantage over Paramount, SF, and CF. You can be your own entertainment. I will give you the key to my swiss accounts. Let me know where to fax it.

My tri-fecta: Suck, followed by, Suck, with SUCK coming in third. Let me know if I win. Until then I'll be selling cookies to raise money for my Giant Frisbee I'm builing in my backyard.

Is there life out there? Help us find out,

How about we all not rip the poor guy to shreds? I've seen a lot worse buisness plans and spelling on places like the old Danimation...

Basically, those who say get a real web site and buisness plan are right, and the others, well..... yeah, no comment.

« »
Raging Bull is best when you're first - 6/16/03
Deja Vu junkie since 10/19/03

Danimal said:
See if S&S will throw in a Screaming Squirrel for free with 10 proofs of purchase.Danimal:

That was so freakin' hilarious it made me laugh out loud! I think you cracked my ass sideways.
Tyler's Pictures = Yum

Ill give him a million $ that I have in a magical bank, so he can first get a decent website, then hire some lawyers and get loans, then buy the land, then get contractors, then design everything, o ya, first you gotta win over the investers, lawyers, the state, the town, and everyone else, and convince them that you can make your own thriving theme park, then theirs all the legal stuff you'll have to deal with, i mean, come on, freakin six flags can have trouble with clearance issues and getting all the legal matter straightened out, then have the design made into a concrator plan, than have the contractor hire builders, then the builders start building, then 10 years of building before finishing, then add a 2 million dollar piece of **** coaster, then install that, then design where and what shops are gonna be where, then decide whats gonna go in them, then build the shops, then buy all the stuff, then build gift shops, then get your stuff for the shops designed and put in, then get staff, o ya, and you might want to hire people and secretaries to help you keep track of all your money dealing w/ all this stuff your buying, the loans you have, all the investments, all your spending, and the park intake from sales and get all the legal stuff sorted out, get ride ops and such, then advertise, get the state to put up road signes to the park, then get local shops to give out coupons, then have people come to your park, giggle, and leave because there is one piece of **** coaster and bairly anything else becuase you had no money, and then your park fails missurably, nobody comes to the park, and all the people, bands, and investers get mad, and then the gov't seizes your park and takes every penny you have to repay the investers and banks, and then you get thrown on the streets and become hungry and homeless and die a few months later on a cold night because you didn't have anything to cover you. All because you got this crazy idea of building your own theme park from scratch. THE END

formally known as Flying DutchMan, Alpengiest is the best!
*** This post was edited by Millenium Force29 11/4/2003 8:14:55 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Millenium Force29 11/4/2003 8:16:51 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Millenium Force29 11/4/2003 8:18:54 PM ***

I'm bitter.

My ideas were better than all of yours put together and Jeff nuked that particular thread.

Excuse me, I have sulking to do.


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of REALLY stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check local listings for events.

Im not going to diss your idea....but did you seriously post this thinking that everyone would start screaming out, "Wow! What a smart guy...I support him 100%!"? I mean come on....even you yourself didn't have a slight premonition that this would get laughed away?

P.S. The spelling thing is a bit weird. But it's not just you. It's for all of the 20+ year old people that can't spell or punctuate if their life depended on it. How did you guys get through school? If I wrote like that I would flunk myself out my *freshman* English class.
Why start out with a small business...that would be rilly stoopid!

rollergator's avatar
I *can* spell....shoot, check it out, even the words that I've made up (and there are plenty of 'em, LOL) have spelling that could at least be defended as legitimate, should such a word even exist. My typing, on the other hard, sometimes leave more than a little something to be desired......but my PUNCTUATION, for that alone, it could be argued that I've probably done *irreparable* harm to some anal-retentive English teacher....

Then again, I could read this to back to you with near-perfect *emphasis* at any time...;)

As for business ideas about people wanting to build their own park, well, we've seen a LOT of that over the past few years, so don't take it personally when people laugh at you for suggesting it.....and while I certainly wish all of these people well, there's really only one large MARKET left completely untapped (in the states, that is)...and they can't ALL have a park in Arizona....;)

ApolloAndy's avatar
What would the offseason be without *ass*terisks? It's like they migrate or something.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

janfrederick's avatar
What about the *other* "A" state? ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

He actually has a good idea. I think I'll make one too. He's my webpage:

(edit)Make sure to vote in the quiz
*** This post was edited by colincsl 11/5/2003 6:11:19 PM ***

I seem to find no humor in your website, colincsl. Actually, it's rather sad that you would take time to create such a site just to bash someone. Can you say immature?
As for this new theme park, though not likely to happen, it would be quite interesting to see it happen and prove the doubters wrong.
It's been said many times, the spelling. I cannot stand poor spelling.
*shrug, my 2 cents in*

Idlewild Moments
*** This post was edited by carrouseler 11/5/2003 6:51:02 PM ***
*** This post was edited by carrouseler 11/5/2003 6:58:50 PM ***

Sorry about the website. I too think that it would be very cool if it did happen, but what are the chances of that :-/
rollergator's avatar
Other 'A' state? Arkansas, Alabama already *have* their parks in place, and both have done pretty well this year I think...Visionland with the water park and Magic Springs with Big Bad John. Sure, you could probably try to build another park in those states, but I'm sure it would be difficult to compete with the parks already standing (and well-known)...and they're pretty close to the population centers of B-ham and Li'l Rock...

Now Alaska, that is an *interesting* proposition...long days in the summer strike me as the perfect opportunity to do a "ride session" concept like IB does, and the weather in southern Alaska (where the peeps are) is supposed to be very similar to that in NYC....which isn't necessarily conducive for a reptile such as myself, but some of you deal with worse weather, LOL.
Mistakes were made, others are to blame...

the biggest reason why you couldn't do this is financial. People will not just give you money, unless they truly believe that a project of this proportion can be made true. However I don't think it would be wise to hand over millions of dollars to someone you don't even know to build a park that might not even be built.

what i am trying to say is, good luck finding financial support.

DawgByte II's avatar
Credibility is also another big reason...

Who are they going to give money to...

> a kid & his dream-park who has no money of his own & ZERO experience except he likes to ride coasters (and creates really really bad websites)...

> Or a person who has a college education & degree in business, who has some money in his savings, and has done his homework by coming up with a valid plan... and actually comes up with a decent website that doesn't look like it took 2 minutes during a hang-over half asleep watching TV while playing Everquest.

Hmmmm... I think I'd rather have a bunch of armed gangstas in ski masks weilding chainsaws just start poking me in the ass with red-hot branding irons with John Tesh music blairing in my ears than give a red cent to this dude.

1) Proofread your own site, or have someone else do it
2) Your band is not lending any credibility to your cause, especially using the mf word on the front page
3) Only enthusiast care about clones, or hand-me-down coasters. This has been discussed to death on this site. How many of the people who go to SFA know that seven of the eight coasters have a twin or twins?
Did anyone ever bother trying out the seats on the KMG Tango? And if so, were they male?
How passionate these objections..I thought I knew Cap'n Obvious!
Olsor's avatar
Just imagine the response if he'd advocated disabling the restraints on his park's rides, or taking on-ride pictures without permission. ;)

"Did I say 'corpse hatch?' I meant 'innocence tube.'"
- Montgomery Burns

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