New Sony Handycam ad...

I'm posting this mainly b/c of the issue that appears in the ad. This was just done in poor taste.

"...they came like a winged curse. A twin plague of demonic dragons!" - Dueling Dragons

We should write or call sony and let them know that the ad is unacceptable and let them know why. If you explain your reasons for disliking the ad I am sure they will be more then willing to listen to you. If they don't seem to care then let me know and I will be sure not to buy from them! Maybe they don't realize some of the things that have been going on with coaster lovers and rules if they are not hardcore enthusiasts. This ad could definetely be a negative influence for any type of person.
My knex coasters and the Roller Coaster Tour 2003
GOCC member # 671
one: no loose articles on rides, two: gives a feeling of DEATH?

what ride is that by the way? I was thinking SOB

I am one.
I am Turbo.
Top Thrill in the front row... anything else is lame

Mamoosh's avatar
It's Tremors, and there was already a discussion about the ad in the forums.

The only 2004 Coaster Calendar still available, plus holiday & all-occasion cards. All at S&D Greetings.

TiggerMan's avatar
I just saw this ad yesterday in a magazine (I think Ent. Weekly) and was VERY surprised by it. Damn irresponsible if you ask me.

(Sorry, the search doesn't seem to be working, I couldn't find the previous thread on this topic).

Men are like parking spaces... the good ones are all taken and the rest are handicapped or too far away.

Mamoosh's avatar
Here's the previous discussion.


The only 2004 Coaster Calendar still available, plus holiday & all-occasion cards. All at S&D Greetings.

I'm sure the small black print on the top of the ad explains how parks dont usually allow cameras on rides. It's really just a marketing ad to sell the camera - they arent trying to get you to actually take it on board.
Its has nothing to do with promoting taking a video camera on a ride but has more to do with a marketing concept. Seriously, gimme a break. Don't take it so seriously. As if anyone besides coaster geeks would take a video on a ride anyway.
This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules at Dorney Park 5/89-9/03
*** This post was edited by DorneyDante 10/27/2003 2:58:17 PM ***

DorneyDante said:
Its has nothing to do with promoting taking a video camera on a ride but has more to do with a marketing concept. Seriously, gimme a break. Don't take it so seriously. As if anyone besides coaster geeks would take a video on a ride anyway.
This space will forever be dedicated to Hercules at Dorney Park 5/89-9/03
*** This post was edited by DorneyDante 10/27/2003 2:58:17 PM ***

I know people that aren't "coaster geeks" that have taken onride video. Also, what does that tiny white text at the bottom say? It could possibly defend them in some sort of lawsuit if one arised, depending on what it states...

I personally think there is absolutely nothing wrong with the ad, and that most people here are way overreacting to absolutely nothing.

Just my two cents.

You suck big time.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Combine DorneyDante's reply with Legendary's and you have reality.

Thanks to both of you guys for a little sanity in this thread.


There IS something wrong with the ad. Putting aside whether or not one should take a camera onto a coaster, the way that camera is being used is entirely wrong. First of all, there is no way that the grip is steady...the resulting video is going to be unwatchable for that reason; second, with the screen flipped out and the viewfinder tipped up, that person is going to mangle an expensive component on the camera in very short order. You should have better respect for your gear than that.

Personally, I agree with Lord Gonchar on this one. And furthermore, I am getting really tired of the hysterical absolutists who have been mouthing off on the message boards lately. I'll let the park make the rules and take my cue from that, not from the rantings of some hysterical person who 'got religion' after a subset of his community took a well-deserved scolding last month.

Why is it that when Bad Things™ happen, it's always logic and reason that are the first casualties?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Well, hey - I'm all for safety and I do think certain members of the community have been irresponsible in their actions.

However, this is a magazine ad conveying an image meant to sell camcorders. Let's get over it.


coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Hmmm, if you stare at it long enough you can almost see the word "SEX" subliminally embedded into the ad. LOL!

I don't see anything wrong with the ad, but then again I don't take things like advertising seriously. It's good to know there are some out there who understand the whole marketing concept behind this.

I do see this as a potential bogus lawsuit though. Say someone buys this exact camera and takes it onto a coaster. It ends up seriously hurting someone. Sony gets sued for well, "putting a gun" to this person's head making him take it onto the coaster. We all know it makes a much sense as Oreo getting sued for causing cavities. Blame the media for people's stupidity right? ;-)

It could be worse. At least the guy isn't holding a cell phone. Now THAT would be disturbing. lol.


Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!

*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 10/28/2003 12:56:24 PM ***

CKCoasters said: Also, what does that tiny white text at the bottom say? It could possibly defend them in some sort of lawsuit if one arised, depending on what it states...

It's the standard "All Rights Reserved" statement. There are no "don't do this at home" disclaimers.

I have a people really shoot video of themselves riding? This ad shows the open-mouthed rider shooting himself--he's not getting POV.

Thanks, Paula
Paula Werne
Holiday World PR

Mamoosh's avatar
Would that be PO-Me? ;)


The only 2004 Coaster Calendar still available, plus holiday & all-occasion cards. All at S&D Greetings.

The Discovery Channel and Travel Channel shows certainly like showing people's faces while they ride. I'm not 100% sure why though, if I wanted to see someone, I'd look in a mirror! :)

You suck big time.

rollergator's avatar
But Joe, for the sake of argument, let's just say you wanted to see someone "good-looking"....;)

bill, can't resist a golden opportuntity to tease...
Mistakes were made, others are to blame...

I like this ad becuase it shows a roller coaster, Read a magazine and also see some thing you love to do. Im not offened by this at all. Go ahead and have 100 of these ads, does not bother me.

Family Guy: "Oh no,Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh yeah"

Apparently people do shoot pictures of themselves riding coasters, Paula! A couple of weeks ago I was riding Magnum XL-200 in my customary seat while the guy (total stranger) in the front seat was shooting himself and his friend behind him (I was sitting in the 3rd row) with the itty bitty digicam he was holding. The way he was holding it I didn't even know he was shooting until after he got off the ride and showed me the results; I thought he just had a phone in his hand or something.

(I don't know if he rode again that day, but when I got back to the platform for my next ride, I did notify the crew about him. If he did go back, I'll bet he wasn't happy, as Cedar Point...ahem...kind of frowns on that sort of activity...)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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