New Six Flags website launching soon; new arcade upgrades

According to The Motley Fool, Six Flags will be launching a redesigned and more engaging website later this month -- featuring in-park video footage of parks, rides and attractions; interactive virtual games, among other new things.

Also, four arcades are being upgraded this year from the outdated coin/token approach to new arcade systems like those found at Gameworks where "playcards" are issued and can be "recharged" for more play at the register at certain prices. Every guest will be issued one of these cards with one or two free gameplays -- which I think is an ingenious move. Get people to play a free game on the house -- they're more likely to spend money to continue playing a little longer.


sws's avatar
The SF website desparately needs to be updated. It still lists SF parks that have been closed or sold. I find it very misleading.
crazy horse's avatar
I like the idea of the card, but most places make you pay a fee just for the card itself.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Great news, the SF websides look and navigate terribly. So cheap looking and not accurate.
I like the card system. It would especially great if the same card would be able to be used at all of the six flags parks (or even tooling the season pass to double as the game card. You could even add 2 free game credits every day you use the pass to further enhance the value of the pass)

It's also a boost in ride safety when you think about it. Instead of having a pocket full of change, and then deciding to go on a high-speed coaster and lose half of that (which become lots of tiny high-speed projectiles), you'd have a plastic card which fits nicely in a wallet, or at the very least is more wind resistant so if said card DOES get lost, it slows down fairly quickly and less potential for causing damage to a person or personal property.

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
The new website was susposed to already be up, I guess it was delayed (hopefully to make it better).
Lord Gonchar's avatar

sws said:
The SF website desparately needs to be updated. It still lists SF parks that have been closed or sold. I find it very misleading.

Except that the deal hasn't be completed yet and SF still technically owns them.

sws's avatar
^ True, although I was also thinking more of New Orleans which hasn't been operational for quite some time. SF still technically owns this also.

As a side note, given all of the press SF has been getting in the last month, Shapiro does seem to be making improvements with SF. They have a big hole to climb out of, but there does seem like reasons to be optimistic. Time will tell if he can pull it off.

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