New RCT Patch!! Now With In-Game Ads... *sigh*

DawgByte II's avatar
A New RCT Patch is out here!

It's about 110mb large.
The main fixes are quicker load times (thank God) and ad-serving, which I assume means in-game ads... sell-out by Atari.
Among the fixes include:

-- Resource libraries have been optimized for faster load times.
-- Changes to the game have been made to allow expansion packs to be installed in
any order.
-- Custom billboards added (may mean if you have pre-Wild installed)
-- Massive online ad-serving added
-- Terrain can now be edited under coasters
-- Some rides lights are now flexi colored
-- Park ownership is no longer reset when resizing park
-- Path and coaster tunneling added (again, may be for pre-Wild expansion owners)
-- Custom Shops added (more pre-Wild owners probalby)
-- Peep highlights now available for all peeps, not just custom groups
"-- Hide empty categories" added to finances window -- Time for coaster auto-complete improved
-- Cycle menu music option added
-- Day/Night transition options added

I'll b!tch if I find anything broken when I install it (yes, I'm going to be one of the suckers to do it).

[EDIT] Make sure you have THIS file installed first... it came out last week.

[EDIT #2] Hmm... guess this isn't for us with the expansion packs already installed... *sigh* *** Edited 12/21/2005 2:33:04 AM UTC by DawgByte II***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ads in games will be standard before you know it. Might as well get used to it now.

I haven't booted up RCT3 since the day I got Wild. Might have to install this.

EDIT - yeah, it's for users of the vanilla RCT3. Great, the features we paid for, they get for free later down the line.

And Atari wonders why they're hurting financially. The game sucks then you do something like that encouraging people not to spend more.

What are they? The Six Flags of the software industry!?

*** Edited 12/21/2005 2:36:16 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

I would say yes to being the six flags of stupid software games. but if you want the patch faster go here:
its the last one onn the bottom, it downloads much faster then the site listed above. Stupid RCT3.
Sawblade5's avatar
I found more new patches for all 3 versions

RCT3 and RCT3 Gold: (Latest Patch 12/19/2005 and Gold 12/13/2005)

RCT3 Soaked: (Latest Patch 12/14/2005)

RCT3 Wild: (Latest Patch 12/19/2005)

If you don't want to download from you can always google the proper file name and see where else you can download from.

Make sure you download according to your latest version of RCT 3 (like if you have RCT 3 Gold + Wild Expansion Pack you need to download the Wild Patch only).

As for the Ad Serving all your gonna get is the Intel Billboards for now. But you'll enjoy what else you can do with the billboards like create custom wall paper or ride signs.

Chris Knight

Lord Gonchar's avatar

But you'll enjoy what else you can do with the billboards like create custom wall paper or ride signs.

You mean like these examples:

Demon House
Jungle Run
CLP's Beach Club
Texture 1
Texture 2
Texture 3
Texture 4
Texture 5
Texture 6

Meh. Got old after a day. :)

Still think it's a shame that some of the features they used to sell the expansions later got added in the patches for free.

All the downloads you listed are still faster at, then go to patches find rct3 and they list rct3, rct3gold, rct3soaked, and rct3wild, all the patches download at 200 kbps (with broadband) as where the other site downloads at 76kbps (which is terribly slow).
DawgByte II's avatar
If you're a "complete" member of Gamespot, the downloads are actually closer to 400kbps ;).

Still, none of the new 'Wild' patches fix some of the needed fixes such as load-times (which are uber-forever) & a few other minor bugs.

I'd rather stick to free, its in my price range, I already pay for CB and my website, insurance, and my cell phone, so I'm good. Also the links abover were not gamespot but it was 3DGamers. Gamespots downloads are usually always faster. but free is free. :)
I guess I am just different. I think it's a great thing they did. Now there will be more of a common base to work from. Makes things easier for everyone. It would be nice if everyone upgraded at the same time, but that isn't reality and a lot of people will never get the expansion packs or maybe just get one. This evens things up a bit and really, everyone always said tunnels should have been part of the first game. Now they are!
The only other major problem with the patch is in order to get teh benefits you have to uninstall every exp pack and the whole game, re-install fresh then patch 1, patch 2, patch 3, then soaked or wild, then any patches after that, dumb*** atari and frontier, sure don't think much.

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