New Path Idea

I am tired of the straight paths in RCT. I was hoping this would be a new feature in RCT2, but it isn't. Here's my idea: Curved Paths. It's simple, have options to make your track go straight. small turn, large turn, and diagonal turn. It's basically the same as the options for track. You could also have ramps that turn and go up. Stalls would simply have a mini-pat automatically connected to the path/stall.

It's a very simple idea that would improve the game a lot, and make it look a whole lot more realistic and nicer. Am I the only one who has had this idea?

"I waited 4 hours for X and all i got was this stupid t-shirt"
Coaster Count: 112

that would be cool

Cedar Point: America's Rockin' Roller Coast!

Curved paths would be great! I have always wanted to see that. It would greatly improve the layout of a park. I would also like to see diagonal paths. They can make the tracks go diagonally, why wont they have the same options for the paths.

But seriously folks, I respect the opinions of yall who don't like the thing, but if MF were human, I'd marry it.

I agree - if you can build a frickin' exotic seafood stall, why not curved paths? One of life's eternal mysteries....

yeah, if you can do that, then maybe you could have the stalls and rides on slants? Like having a station platform on a 45 degree angle from the cubes, that makes a much more accurate recreation of Cedar Point (especially Millenium Force)!

You wanna know what Millenium Force is on a scale from 1-10? That's easy, a bajillion out of ten.

I'd love to see pretty much everything given the ability to go "diagonal"... paths, fences, roller coaster stations, vertical loops, stalls, etc.

But we aren't going to be seeing that in RCT2 from all I can see, and I doubt it's something easily added via an expansion pack. Who knows, though.

I think that would require a bit of work to the engine to allow peeps to walk on diagonals and place shops and stalls on them. I do whoever like that idea because I don't like making a zig-zag path so that i can have a diagonal.

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