New M&M's roller coaster candy dispenser

Just bought a new candy dispenser at the store that has the M&M character's riding a coaster named wild thing, check out link below. Also if you want to buy one look for the silver coaster they are limited only seen 1 for every 15 blue coaster's.

Army Rangers lead the way

*** This post was edited by supermandl on 11/1/2002. ***

DawgByte II's avatar

"sweeeet" (pun intended).

Looks like I'll have to add to my M&M dispenser collection this year! Now I know another item to ask Santa for.

Too bad these things never hold as many M&M's as I wish... you know... the 1lb bag...

Thats pretty cool. I think I might buy that for my daughter. Even though when she sees it, she will probably hand it back to me because she knows how much I love coasters.;)

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

There's one of my Christmas presents :).


Ditto! (munch munch... still eatin halloween candy... munch munch)

(That and a new computer so i can play 3D roller coaster games! :()

Do not be afraid of death, be afraid of your unridden coasters.

Thanks. Great idea for those hard to buy for people.

There is a new twist in the Top-Hat. :)

Which store did you buy this thing from? Hard to believe it's almost Christmas time, just got a few last rides of the season.

What stores is this available at? I want to tell my spouse about this for christmas.

I got them at a grocery store my local chain is Quality markets in western new york, I would also try Wal-mart they usally carry M&M stuff at X-mas time.

Army Rangers lead the way


Ditto! (munch munch... still eatin halloween candy... munch munch)

(That and a new computer so i can play 3D roller coaster games! )

Do not be afraid of death, be afraid of your unridden coasters.

Just buy a better graphics card.

Colonel Sanders said:


Ditto! (munch munch... still eatin halloween candy... munch munch)

(That and a new computer so i can play 3D roller coaster games! )

Do not be afraid of death, be afraid of your unridden coasters.

Just buy a better graphics card.

Its not that simple Sanders. You have other issues to deal with, like the card overheating your motherboard, and if your computer is a slow mhz, a better graphics card aint going to do you much good anyways.

Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.

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