New Legoland?

Saw this at another site and I didn't recall ever seeing it on here before:

Lego looking at the KC area for a potential second U.S. park? Will people really travel to KC to visit a Legoland? Do people really travel to visit a Legoland (other than us of course, and in this case I guess Lego enthusiasts also)?

Yeah is Good!
Yes people will travel here to visit Legoland. The interesting thing is, what will the "residue" from the park do with WOF's attendance. I would imagine that they will get a lot more people as well -- and to think that Schlitterbahn is coming to this area as well.

The Village West area is really booming right now (area near Kansas Speedway). The new LEGENDS shopping district that just opened near where this park (Schlitterbahn) is supposed to go is amazing.

Edit: Fixed error and removed drama

*** Edited 4/30/2006 2:22:37 PM UTC by Swoosh***

Actually, Swoosh, they're not building near the speedway...

Lowe said RED decided to pursue a location in Johnson County because it believed it would be difficult to attract additional retail to the Kansas Speedway area. Between Village West, Nebraska Furniture Mart, Cabela’s and other stores, there is more than 2 million square feet of retail either built or planned.

As I'm sure you know, the Kansas Speedway is north of Johnson County, which includes Overland Park and Olathe.

This is the same area where 'OZ' was supposed to go a couple of years back. Of course, we all saw how that 800 acre development faired.

I'm pretty sure that Schlitterbahn is going in the speedway area, however.

Swoosh said:
The new LEGENDS shopping district that just opened near where this park (Legoland) is supposed to go is amazing.

Isn't the Legends near the Speedway?


Thanks for being concerned about my mental health, but in all truthfulness, I was hardly confused.

Read PufNStuf's post which quotes the original text or your unedited original post. You suggested the new Legoland would be built next to the Speedway. Not Schlitterbahn. There was no confusion at all.

I realize you have now CHANGED the original post to hide the evidence. But you are GUILTY. GUILTY, I say. And I will not rest until you admit this guilt.

I realize this is your "territory," and that you believe anything theme-park related in MO, KS, or IA is your terf, but lets be real: you're not the only one who keeps tabs on the amusement industry in this area of the country.

Didn't JohnyUpsideDown have EXCLUSIVE inside WOF pictures of "The Patriot," while MIG was still posting shots taken from the highway? And doesn't that guy live in Florida? It tells me that maybe you don't have ALL the connections or insight that you might think.

Anyway, sorry about the digression. I hope this confusion, about my confusion, is less confusing.

Arms. *** Edited 4/30/2006 2:49:47 AM UTC by ArmsUp***

What happened was that after your post I read my post again and I read it how I thought it should have been -- also known as readers error, the phenomenon where you will miss typos and other things when reading too quickly. I already admitted above that I fixed it.

As far as the Worlds of Fun thing, you can PM me about that and we can discuss it thoroughly if you want.

Also I never said that I was the only one. Jive and Jeff Mast are both there as well. Again if you want to PM me we can discuss this all you want.

Mamoosh's avatar
Oooooooh.....drama! ;)
Shut up Matthew. ;) Are you going to Coaster Mayhem? If you are who else are you taking with you?
Mamoosh's avatar
Not going to make Coaster Mayhem, Swoosh. But I'll be travelling to Holiwood Nights with Gator, Bass, and Poppa Moosh.

Oh...and check your PMs.

That sucks. I wanted to go to HWN, but that is the same day as my wedding (she picked the date before it was announced).

I PMed you back. :)

Mamoosh's avatar
It may suck but not as much as having to miss HWN ;) PM'd you back...maybe we can hook up in early June.
I will try, but since I don't know when we will be back from Florida I will have to play it by ear like I mentioned in the PM. I don't think I will make out West this year so meeting up out there is out of the question. Are you going to Preservation Con?
Mamoosh's avatar
Bass and I have talked about a trip encompassing Arnolds Park, Adventureland, ValleyFair, the Dells, and SFGAm later this summer and the ACE Pres Con is something we're seriously considering as well as another event in the Dells.

But right now everything is on hold while I find out about my magazine's annual sales meeting in August. We know we'll be in Mazatlan [UGH...can you say 'steam room'?] but not sure what dates.

Anyway...back to Legoland?


Now lets not be too dramatic. You actually have some fine qualities, I'm sure. One of the qualities that I highly admire is that you don't post a new topic every time Cedar Point paints a bathroom wall or invent wild Dollywood rumors about roller coasters which dive 400 feet below ground.

I actually am quite stealthy in the way I participate in this board, and I try not to contribute when I have nothing to contribute.

I'm hardly a know-it-all. In fact, I'll be the first to admit that I know very little. And I actually like your website. I was very excited when you posted pics of SDC's new area since I haven't been able to travel to Branson this year.

So, that's really all I have to say. It's 6am, and I need to get ready for work (on a Sunday, none the less).

Here's to the Kansas Speedway. May she create traffic quagmires for years to come.


coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I visited Legoland in SoCal last year and was hooked, and I don't even care for Legos. ;-) It was a huge surprise for me and Gator. The next time I am in SoCal I will visit the park again.

I know there are several Legolands around the world so if one appears in Kansas City I am sure it will be a hit!


<--who is looking forward to Pres. Con as well. :-P

*** Edited 4/30/2006 3:07:39 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

Mamoosh's avatar
That happened to me as well when I went to the park during their first Block Party coaster event a few years back. I was certain after morning ERT I'd take a quick walk around the park and leave out of sheer boredom. There was so much to see and do that I spent the entire day! I mean come on...Lego ducks in the ponds? can you go wrong?!? ;)
We fell in love with Legoland when we first visited the park back when coaster con was there and decided right then to do a big feature story on it in our magazine. I wished I was kid so I could have rode some of the rides. If this comes through then I would be a big hit and help the area as a whole.

ArmsUp, Johnny did not have exclusive pictures of Patriot as we were doing it before and after that. As matter of fact I was the one that got him in for those.

Jeff Mast
rollergator's avatar
^ Legoland definitely brings out the kid in ya...unfortunately the little kid in me grew up YEARS ago, but there wasn't much there that I couldn't do....and the Dragon Coaster was phenomenal... :)

P.S. One of the few places around where you can ride a Robocoaster...the one ride I wished I'd gotten and and didn't - the seaplanes kinda ride. Overall, a great park! Billund and/or Windsor had better be prepared when I get to Europa, LOL... :)

*** Edited 4/30/2006 9:26:46 PM UTC by rollergator***

Bill are you planning on going to WOF this summer as well as Pres. Con?

Jeff, I have already talked to ArmsUp about that -- did not enjoy seeing his face plastered on an article in the Star magazine. The rest of the Patriot write up was good though and you can see my legs on the immelmann shot -- front row. :)

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