New Kings Island park 500,000 gallons short

New Kings Island park 500,000 gallons short

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*** This post was edited by Gemini 9/3/2003 4:28:03 PM ***

Sorry - i'm new here :)
*** This post was edited by Usr8770 9/3/2003 4:51:41 PM ***

Yeah I heard about that on the radio this morning about them being 1/2 million gallons short. I wonder what they will do.

What I do when I'm not riding roller coasters!

Maybe they will build a water tower?

#1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!! My top 7 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Montu 3. Yankee Cannonball 4. Kumba 5. Gwazi 6. Cyclone (SFNE) 7. B:DK

Bring back KCKC. LOL.
You'd think they would have had this sorted out before they decided to build a new, larger water park... strange.
"Few details have been released, but the park has said the resort will include chairside waiter service, waterfalls and cabanas."

Well, I'm sold!

It makes sense for them to release the expansion information before having the water situation worked out. They have season passes to sell and where the water comes from is something they can probably fix before 'o4 season starts or with a few design changes. "Because pool depths are not final" that to me shows they have some room to work. I am actually interested in this water park resort.

The water shortage is just part of the hype! You know PKI, they can't do anything without some suspense. ;)

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PKI has nothing to do with the water shortage the city also needs water. Looks like someone did not do their home work.

Nobody said they did. It is up to PKI however to find a solution as they are the ones with their hands out. They either need to come up with their own supply or make an incredible offer to the local water authority. A water tower only takes a few weeks to install and a couple months to fill. They could have their own for next season, I'll wager that they will work something out with the local water authority.

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For a water park how much water would this be? Compare using in terms of slides please or wave pools
PKI would truck in water and probly build their own filtration. I thought this is how it was done already? I had no clue city's providied the water a day. For the water parks.
Would a water tower really do what they need?

Western Michigan University Engineering student.
Go Broncos!

PKI would not truck in 500,000 gallons of water, They may however build a lake that they could treat for water. As for sewage? who knows?

Chuck, who had a after closing tour of WW monday and thanks them for it.

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

Hmmmm and use the lake for theming at a later date........ I also know there is a small lake in the middle that is like hidden by tree's and you can pretty much only see it from the eiffel tower or there is a small part of the park but I dought its big enough....... Maby we will get a flying coaster or a x coaster :-D in the future.
Why would there be 500,000 gallons coming in and out each day? Wouldn't their water be filtered and re-used instead of discarded? Or is this for expanded restrooms, restaurants, etc?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a lot of water parks completely empty out all the water on every slide/wavepool/ lazy river ect. every day.

The Ozark Wildcat, voted #26 wood coaster, the higest rated new wooden coaster since 2001.

I dont think they do that. Thats why god made chlorine...... Plus any filter stuff they have. Im sure they do it at least once a month but everyday would be overkill.
Maybe someone a little more familier with the area might know this one. Doesn't the Little Miami have enough flow that PKI could run from that and treat the water on their own? They do own all the way to it and their are already areas that do tap into the Little Miami and their are a couple resivoirs. They could easily do that and the equipment they have for water filtration now could easily be expanded to treat and filter. It would obviously be costly, but could prevent any question marks during future expansions. It would just mean a higher overhead on repair and HR expense.

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500,000 gallons per day would be about 100 trucks of fresh water in and 100 trucks of sewage out. Not a very practical operation. And of course you still need a water source and and somewhere to take the sewage. Certainly purifying and recycling the water would be an option, but the approvals and construction of such a facility would probably take more time that PKI has. Also, the use of county or city facilities is probably cheaper.
'"Regardless of the hows and wheres and whys, we will have a water park," park spokesman Jeffrey Siebert said.'

-If they can't solve the water issue, then that B&M everyone wants may be pushed up a year? lol... They'ld still have a waterpark, albeit the SAME waterpark. :)

Building a filtration facility of their own (similar to a city's) is not a viable option, since the cost is pretty steep.

They can probably buy water from the city and county, though, or even from a neighboring municipality. That seems much more credible.

But if that doesn't work out, they'll simply construct a dam across the Ohio River for their water needs. A cheap, simple, and quick solution! Trust me!

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