New hardcore spelling rule at Would it work here?

Olsor's avatar

Olsor, as an editor who is correcting others, as you are, you should proofread your own post and realize its "an exercise", not "a exercise."

You forgot the apostrophe in "its." ;) (editors get mad when you point out their mistakes)
rollergator's avatar
LMAO @ Greg......or is it w/Greg...;)

Either way, it's a good IDEA...but in practice it's probably going to prove harder to keep that stringent of a rule in *effect*. I'm not an editor, although when I read my tendency is to always read "in editing mode", i.e., slowly and carefully, noting errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

But let's face facts, the Internet (the big I is on purpose) is the de facto home of the global village, and not everyone has English as their PRIMARY might work at, but I'd hate to see our (QUITE intelligent) European 'buzzers get banned from time to time for "errors" in the American-English language/usage, that would seem plain silly to me...just my five cents, give or take...;)

P.S. Is it "Eats, shoots, and leaves" (robbing a restaurant perhaps?) or "Eats shoots and leaves" (like the familiar Panda?) or even "Eats shoots, and leaves" (a vegetarian in a hurry?)....the English language must be TERRIBLY confusing to non-native speakers, LOL....:)
*** Edited 3/15/2005 8:13:25 PM UTC by rollergator***

And that is the premise of the book (Incidently, it is an English book so some of the grammar is different from American). There is even a panda on the cover and a story on the back about a Panda walking into a coffee shop...

Now I'm leaving to eat shoots.

I read the book - it was pretty good. If you liked that book and you want to read another book about a strange subject, written by a woman with a very dry sense of humor and sharp writing style, read Mary Roach's "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers."

Good stuff.

[url=""]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Oooh! Sounds compelling!
My spelling is pretty decent, but myu typikng would get me thrown off for sure.
To be honest, it's really more of a scare tactic than anything else. The spelling and grammar were getting quite bad at one point and something had to be done. I'd say I realistically look for around 5-8 spelling errors in a post.

SFNE Central- Online Six Flags New England Resource

And once you start banning peeps a couple days for being stupid, it will work. They'll get ticked off and leave. Kinda like here when a Noob comes in and bashes people telling them they're on crack for not liking Scream and the community rises up against them...


ApolloAndy's avatar
Are you saying you don't like Scream, Clint?!?!? I guess you just suck, then.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

I personally loved Scream, Andy. Didn't you read Rob's TR?;)
Jeff's avatar

TeknoScorpion said:
And once you start banning peeps a couple days for being stupid, it will work. They'll get ticked off and leave.
Yep... that tactic has been working for years. :)

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Greg, I found that excercise to be quite interesting. I could read every word, even though everything was out of place.
Pero, hablo español. ¿Qué debo hacer yo?

Just kidding... anyways, that rule is pretty over the top, however I guess it'll keep people staying in line, though.

Has anyone read the book "Me Talk Pretty One Day" ? It isn't really about grammar or spelling, but the post reminded me of the title. The book is funny as hell.
I don't know about "Eats shoots and leaves," but I do know a few people best described as "Eats, S***s, and Sleeps."

Just watch out for those dangling participles-- talk about a headchopper!

I don't see why this is a problem. Composing something with a limited number of spelling errors isn't overly difficult. Nor is proper word usage:





Enforced or not, I commend the webmaster for taking a stand. A forum should contain posts that are gramatically solid, not stuff that looks as though it was written by a bunch of grammer school kids.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Rob Ascough said:
A forum should contain posts that are gramatically solid, not stuff that looks as though it was written by a bunch of grammer school kids.

Or grammar school kids even. ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
Maybe Rob was thinking of Kelsey Grammer? ;)
Which is the difference (nicely demonstrated by Rob, who still won't respond when I IM him...and Gonch, who just knows it all and is a poopy pants) between a spelling *mistake* and just not giving a crap and leaving mistakes all over the place.

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