New Entries in the CoasterBuzz Top 100

Vater's avatar

It's pretty great. As RMC's go, I preferred Lightning Rod (in its former life, not sure how the chain lift affects it), but Wildcat's Revenge is up there.

We were just at Hersheypark last week and rode Wildcats Revenge for the first time. Of the 3 RMC's I have been on (Steel Vengeance, Twisted Timers, and Wildcat) this was by far the worst of the three in my opinion. I rated it as a 4 of 5, but it is well below the other two. I can't really explain it, but something just felt off. Whether it is the layout, the pacing, or something else it was a one and done. It is not one I really need to go out of my way to ride again.

As always, YMMV

ApolloAndy's avatar

I totally agree. It's still a great ride, but I also thought it was lackluster for the size and scope. New Texas Giant is about the same size, over a decade older, and is a more fun ride overall and some of the smaller rides seem to do a lot more. Maybe it's the lack of massive air hills and the focus on inversions and wave turns.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Vater's avatar

"Pacing" on an RMC is a funny concept to me. My experience seems to be "blur of complete insanity" from the top of the lift to the brakes. In a good way.

Bakeman31092's avatar

Whenever I hear "Wildcat's Revenge" I think of the famous children's book by author Claude Bahls.

matt.'s avatar

Wow. Nemesis enters the top 100. First non-US or Canadian entry with 40 votes.

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