New CoasterBuzz features

Jeff's avatar
Give it another try. Should be OK now.

The quote and emoticon parsing should work now as well for plain text boxes. (edit: OK, not exactly...)

*** Edited 11/13/2003 9:17:06 PM UTC by Jeff***

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

is working now, you say?
;) :) :(

[edit: yay! :)]

*** Edited 11/13/2003 9:35:39 PM UTC by Michael Darling***

nasai's avatar
Testing... testing... testing. Wasn't able to make my last few posts. Let's see if this works. :)

*edit* it is! *** Edited 11/13/2003 9:35:59 PM UTC by nasai***

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

Things look spiffy, I like most of it, except the pinned topics. I realize they're important and all, but I'm so used to looking at the top of the General Buzz list to see what's most active - and I'm not seein something I just posted! As long as you don't go nuts with the pinning though, I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
So much fun new stuff I don't know where to start...nice work! :)

can everyone get PM's or just club members?

kpjb's avatar
Did ya have to do this on the same day my membership expired? It took me a while to realize that was why I could log in and still not be ad-free. :)

Other than not taking my every whim in to your consideration, nice jorrb. Maybe next year, I won't end up letting my membership expire now that I can easily see the date.

Overall favorite feature: hidden email address so there's no more unknown spam mail from people asking me what Kennywood's doing all the time.


Being the refreshingly modest man that I am, I must say I'm sooooo very fond of the 'read a user's posts' option. Thanks to you, I now have my own anthology; a collection of all things 'Playa at my fingertips. I can't stop reading my own greatest hits. Wow, looka me. I was brilliant that day...


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I seem to have two accounts merged together a paid for club account and a free account that i set up seperatley for my brother.

Both are registered on the same email but I can't log in as a club member anymore :*(

Well , the new look of the forums does not tickle my fancy , and I really, really hate these new post boxes. I liked having the URL button right there , just being able to put it in automatically. Also , I don't like that I can't change my sig on the spot( bass will probably dislike that too).

Otherwise , the new features are cool.

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
Jeff's avatar
The post boxes aren't any different... they're just prettier and have cut/copy/paste and lists. Everything else is still there.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I mean the reply boxes , and i like having the automatic buttons.

I'm Lazy.

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
I just sent myself a private message to test it out. For those of you who don't know, check the column on your right. At the top it says, "Private Messages" and under that, "New: (number)." That's how you see if you have any new ones.

I tested it by sending myself a message. I can delete the messages in my inbox, but it stays in Deleted Messages and Sent Messages. How can we delete those ones, too?

Good work. These new features are pretty nifty.

2007 Raptor Rides: 153 Lifetime Raptor count: 858 Raptor Rules the Sky!
Jeff's avatar
No, a message is never actually deleted, it's just moved to the deleted folder. The one thing is that if you send it to yourself it appears in both deleted and sent.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Hey Jeff, when I try to edit my profile, and I click the edit button after fixing things, i get a broken link (it doesn't work).

"On the moon nerds get their pants pulled down and spanked with moonrocks."

ApolloAndy's avatar
Ooh. New emoticons. :) ;) :( :P

Thanks for the sig divider change. Makes things much more readable. Otherwise a great update!

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Ahh, bigger names. Thank you!


I just noticed that the top of the home page still tells me to join the club to get ad-free Coasterbuzz ...

'cept I already got ad-free Coasterbuzz cause I'm in the club. Just a glitch I thought I'd let ya know about. And yes, I did log out and back in and I do have all my club stuff enabled right now.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Jeff's avatar
It's not a glitch. That's the same home page everyone sees.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

This may have been asked already, but what is an anonymous member?

I've often wondered from time to time, how to write good poetry- and make it all... Work.
Is it just me or are some pages wider than others?

This page appears fine to me, but

this page:


this page:

appear wider.

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