New Amusement Park in Northern IL??

I heard from my dad on one of the Rockford tv stations that they were going to get a new amusement park off of I-90 which might buy out Magic waters. Does anyone have any info to confirm this that lives around the area?
I had heard something about a group that wanted to rebuild riverview, but anything new would be cool.
Just wait till next year!
My grandpa informed me on this a few weeks ago; he lives in the area. I don't know any details though....anyone?
403 Laps
I do know they were supposed to construct a Safari Park out near Rockford because I recieved a letter from the people that were planning to develop it. I received this letter over a year ago and havent heard anything else about it since. Maybe they changed their minds and want to construct an amusement park. If this is true that would be great. Rockford could use some form of amusement.
"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL
Great for who?  The people of Rockford and Madison?  That takes away some people from SFGAm, and if you want your big coasters there, its not a good thing.

SFGRAMBoy20 said:
Great for who?  The people of Rockford and Madison?  That takes away some people from SFGAm, and if you want your big coasters there, its not a good thing.

Whats wrong with them having their own park? Maybe its going to be a small scale park like Santas Village or Kiddieland. Are you complaining that those parks exist? Get a grip!!!

"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL

There's nothing wrong with a little competition either, if that's what a new park brings. People will probably visit both parks and therefore both will benefit. That's how Universal and Disney both are able to operate a few miles from each other. Granted they have a slightly different situation in Orlando, it being more of a destination than northern Illinois, but the same concept would be at work there. I think Cedar Point and Six Flags World of Adventure have the same forces working for them. How many people visit both parks over the course of a season? Lots I would guess.

Why is there an Osco, across from every Walgreens ? Why is there a Burger King or Wendy's near every McDonalds ? Why ? Because competition is good for business. Would Six Flags develop WoA they way they did if Cedar Point and Kings Island were not so close ? A park in Rockford would be great for everyone. Especially me since my parents live 1/2 hour away ! :)

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze


I'm not complaining, I'm merely reminding all the enthusiasts who require a brand new $10 mill addition to the park every year that more conpetition means less money.  :-)

*grips again* heh :-P

SFGRAMBoy20 said:
"I'm merely reminding all the enthusiasts who require a brand new $10 mill addition to the park every year that more conpetition means less money."

(begin Dr. Evil voice)
(end Dr. Evil voice)

And that's exactly why SFWoA (CP, KW, PKI), SFA (BGW/HP/PKD) and SFMM (KBF, DL, DCA) have all gotten the large expansions the past three years while SFAW and SFEG rested.

Methinks the theory is a little off!

*** This post was edited by 2Hostyl on 11/15/2001. ***

Amen to that Jeremy. I say bring on the Rockford park!!!

Living in Elgin makes me definitely want this park because I am midway between Gurnee and Rockford. I love CHOICES!!!!!!!!

"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL

The only thing Rockford will be getting is a new minigolf,go-cart park.  The owners are from the southern states somewhere and the designers have built minigolf courses in Wisconsin Dells.  Which the owners are hoping to attract people on there way up there or to Minnesota off of I-90.  Rockford wants to bring in vistors.  Rockford would be a great place to build a coaster park we're in the bonnies so there wouldn't be any height restrictions and it's only a few hours from Chicago and Milwaukee plus little cities in between like Madison and Elgin.  But there is no talk about anything right now not with Magic Waters or anyone else.  There is talk about building things along I-90 from Rockford to Madison but that is just in the very early stages of talk.

I know JTC!  Do you?  Lucky me.  

My other house is in Rockford!!! Competition doesn't spell doom for SFGAm, nor will it hurt them either. If the new park started to take customers away from them, then I'm sure they'd build more to recapture their lost patrons. Anything new is good for a state that has 1 major park, and one of the top 3 cities in the U.S.

You're mama told you that you're not supposed to talk to strangers. Look in the mirror, tell me do you think you're lifes in danger?-Ozzy

*** This post was edited by RagingBullGuy on 11/15/2001. ***

I'd actually be willing to wager that the "Greater Chicagoland Area" (in addition to Rockford, Madison, Milwaukee, etc.) could support another park.  It wouldn't have to be a "mega-park" like SFGAm, but I'm positive that there would be sufficient interest in a medium-sized park in the area to make it a reasonable venture.  
"you're better off talkin bout your wack puma sneakers." -KRS ONE
WOW would that be great!  I live in Wisconsin and ever since I started hearing things about Holiday World, I've dreamed of going to a smaller, cleaner park that isn't as big but isn't as crowded and can still give you that sense of adventure!


There isn't a problem that can't be solved.

Suicide is NOT a solution!

Yeah more competition definetly breeds new cool rides.  Its why I pray everynight that something will move into Valleyfair's comfort zone and make them build something cool.  VF is stable enough that its not going to close at the first sign of competition just like SFGAM wouldn't close.

My dad ran a sporting goods store for the first sixteen years of my life and he outlasted 3 other sporting goods stores coming into a relatively small market of 10,000 people.  His motto was always, "Whoever has the deepest pockets comes out in the end" or something to that effect.  We weren't loaded, but basically what I got from that was whoever intends the most in his/her enterprise will come out on top.

Just wait till next year!

I hope we get another park that would be great.  Another park and competition to SFGAm could be the greatest thing we could get here in IL just think at all the new types of coasters Six Flags would buy and how big SFGAm could become.
My Top 5 Coasters:
1. Raging Bull(SFGAm) 2.Millenium Force(CP) 3. Deja Vu(SFGAm) 4.V2(SFGAm) 5.Cornball Express(IB)

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