Neat Names for Coasters

The Names I like...hmmm lemme think:

Black Arachnia
Demon Knight (duelling)
Here are some names:

AHHHHHHH![Swinging Inverter Ship]
Puke Machine[Wooden Twister}
Standing Penalty{Stand UP}
"The World Famous ride"[shuttle looper there in almost all my parks thats why thye get the name]
Super Demon[ Arrow Hyper]
Iron Madens (dueling inverts or floorless)
Death is Imminent (a coaster that has lauched lift and drops through the whole RCT map)
Screamin' Screacher
The Brain Basher
RageSPC (super power coaster)

Funny ones:
the flying ostrich
super monkey
the curved line
the dog doo
the butt buster
the kong fu fighter

Twistamaniac said:
"but my favorite name: The Vomit Comet!"

I use that alot too. I heard it on a coaster show a while back and the name stuck. I also like to use Bloody Murder too.
2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
The Martian Rule (for the Martian theme of coarse)

You can use them if you want.
I don't often name my coasters, but I have a small launched steel coaster that I paint red, white, and green then call it Santa's Drunken Flight.
My all time favorite name for one of my coasters was for a dueling/racing woodie.
"Storm Front" Was the name of the ride that i used to put a banner above the entrance area but not the que.
The two seperate coasters carried the names "White Lightning" and "Black Thunder"

#1 Steel-Incredible Hulk
#1 Wood--Timber Wolf
I only have a few, but I like them

1. Silver Shawdow
2. Soul Chaser
3. The Creature From Beneath
4. Bashing Banshee (arrow most of the time) ;)
"4 Seats are better than 2"
How about these:

SuperNova - hyper coaster
Stray Bullet - works for anything
Silverado - big wood twister
Geronimo - works for anything
Mine are always run-offs of existing coaster names. For example: Pennsylvania Giant (Texas Giant); Batman Ultimate Escape (Superman Ultimate Escape). I'm not very creative. *** This post was edited by tails on 2/4/2001. ***
Roller Coaster 1
Roller Coaster 2
Roller Coaster 3
Jeff's avatar
Nice, Duane! I love it how you hide in the shadows and make an outstanding post at just the right time. Bravo!

Webmaster/Admin -
Here are my favorites:

Super Nova - Hyper
Rampage - Woody
Daughter of Beast - Looping Woody
Happy Fuzzy Bunny Time - Intense Looper
Purple Monkey Dishwasher - Floorless
Meltdown - Hyper
Hilltopper -Woody
Beowulf - Hyper
The Really Big Drop - Roto Drop
Venom - Looper
The Ogre - Woody
Puff the Magic Dragon - Suspended
Flying Turns - Bobsled
Bubba's Cyclone - Wooden Twister
I think that when you build a coaster you should wait till its complete to name it. The name has to fit in with the suroundings and the theme you put it in.

Bat Attack (inverted wild mouse with mine theme)
The Deadly Sting Ray (any coaster above water)

I have tons of good names but these are some of my fav.
Tangaroa, Python, Edge, Menace, Comet, Iron Man, Omega Red, Dare Devil, Malestrom, Inferno,
Plunge, Guillotine, Banshee, Live Wire, and Judgement Day are a few of my favs.
The Mountain Roller Coaster

No screenshots needed - self explanatory :)

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
I like to use names of songs/albums from the 60's 70's and 80's.
Dream Weaver
Ghost in the Machine
I Can't Drive 55 (Bumper Cars)
8 Miles High (Chair Lift)
Love Roller Coaster
Rage in the Cage
Marrakesh Express (Monorail)
Sheik's Escape. It's a inverted shuttle loop themed egyptian
Laggin Dragon. launched standup themed jurassic
Vertical Viscosity- vertical drop, tried to theme this one like a oil derrick, i've got the station going through a loop!

May the fleas of a 1000 camels infest your armpits for all eternity!!

Steel aint better, WOOD FOREVER!!!
The names for my coasters are:
Savage Beast-Wood
Steel Power- Hyper
Gypsy-Stand Up
Sudden Recall-Boomerang
Reminisce- Boomerang
X-Men Steel Force- Hyper
X-Men Vertical Force- Vertical Cyclops Blinding Fury- Launched Free Fall Sinister- Wood
Soar- Suspended Single Rail
Raging Space Rockets- Steel Mini Coaster
Condor- Steel Looping Coaster
Falcon- Steel Looping Coaster
Colossus- Wood

Now, Bigger and Better than ever... Six Flags Worlds of Adventure!

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