Starcoaters, I never see the spinning mouse running, it's always stationary, why do they need it if they aren't using it much. We've never gotten on it. Something to note, though, South of the Border on I95 has added one to its' newly remodeled PedroLand Park, it looks very attractive lit from the road at night, and if you know this place, it's just different:),
As for rougness, you'll ride one time and be happy to have received such a smooth ride only to try a different seat and feel bashed:), it's not that bad, though. I guess it's the forces, after a few rides, it makes you tired, it's not that it's painful, it just takes something out of you. The Swamp Fox tosses you way harder than the Hurricane could ever think of. Third seat's good, so's every seat in the back car except for the very back seat, which I have to ride alone in and hold on for one point, but the back of the first car is one of the smoother spots. In the back, sometimes you feel like the air is unenjoyable because you're banging into the back of the seat, your butt it'n given enough time to go down before it's dragged out again. You can walk back and forth between these coasters, I've done it before. Myrtle's not that big, it doesn't matter what hotel you're staying in, no excuses, ride the Swamp Fox. The ride op is an incredible guy and we always are entertained talking to him. Although, that turn before the brakes, it used to be dark there?
PS-FK has this funny logflume, I thought we were dead when we topped the first hill and there was no water there! Really funny, if you've seen it, you know what I mean.......
*** This post was edited by p_c_r on 7/22/2001. ***