My Xcelerator review.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2002 3:53 PM

My Xcelerator review:

I got to the park for opening day at around 8:00 am. There was only 4 of us there and we waited to get in line for the opening of the park so we could run to the ride. At 9:00 am sharp the gates opened to the park and we ran like heck! We got to the ride enterance at about 9:05 am. We then noticed that a test seat was set up for people to try. Knowing me...I had to try it out.

As the hours went by we waited in line forever! But at about 3:00 pm the first riders ceremony was under way. We did not get to watch since the presentation was away from the enterance of the ride. At about 3:20 the first riders boarded the train and rode. As the media viewed in aww it only made me and the other people that had been waiting more anxious to ride.

Finally at about 4:30 pm ride operators/line control people, let us into the line. The amazement of how close you come to the line is incredible not only some of the views that you get. We proceded to the station were there were people ahead of us in line. We waited an additonal 45 minutes till we got to the front car and we were next. The ride before us launched and went up the tower and....rolled back. It was such a bummer. Then they evacuated people from the train and put them back infront of us. They tested the ride again and it again rolled back. Then for the second test it made it up the tower and through the course.

The riders before us were let on again and rode making the course. Then it was our turn.

I boarded the front right seat and immediatly noticed how nice and comfy the seats are. Not much leg room though. We put on our seatbelts and waited for the ride ops to put our lap bars down for us. They did so, but then a ride op called for a re-check of the lapbars and they did so. As the anticipation mounted waiting to lauch it seemed like an eternity. Then the ride op called out, "Stand clear, dispatching." That had to be one of the best and scariest moments in my life since before you launch you actually roll back about a foot so the rollback dog will engage with the bob.

The brake fins dropped and the christmas tree was lit. We waited 4 seconds before that tree hit green.(this is normal) Then it has got to be the best launch I have been on. As soon as we were out of the station I put my hands up and the force was incredible. As we rocketed from 0-82 mph in 2.3 seconds you have no time to think what soever. Then it's very weird going strait up into the sky and twisting to the left and going over a hill at 205 ft high. The airtime is indescribeable yet you are practically stapled and you still feel it! Then its twisting to the right and diving back down at a 90 degree angle towards the ground.

Then it's a slight turn to the right and then to the left and into the first overbanked turn. The turns seem really slow but are actually really fast. The turn makes you feel like your actually upside-down. Then it's diving back down and going into the right this time and going into the other overbanked turn. Coming out of the last overbanked turn you head into this long stretch of brakes but you are not haulted like crazy but you have a nice smooth stop. Then it's a small turn to the right and back into the station. You will be breathless after this ride. It was also cool knowing that I was the first person(when the ride opened to public) to get the front row.

The themeing is very good and is really neat with the trains. The safty video is lame and will get on your nerves but oh well. They are suppost to be that way I guess.


The ride is very smooth and very fun and fast. Not to mention the height of the ride is impressive.

Fun factor: 10/10

Thrill factor: 8/10

Intensity: 9/10

The goods:

The launch, the top hat.

The bads:

Slow dispatch time, overbanked turns not intense.

Hope you enjoyed! Go to BeakerzCoasterz to see pictures. And soon to come is a video of the ride in action.




Wednesday, June 26, 2002 4:30 PM
To me this seems stupid, why didn't you enjoy the rest of the park and then waited for xcelerator once it opened?

Track Record: 110 and counting.....



Wednesday, June 26, 2002 4:45 PM

PatMan007 said:
To me this seems stupid, why didn't you enjoy the rest of the park and then waited for xcelerator once it opened?

Track Record: 110 and counting.....

Because I had been at coaster con and was at Knott's for the past 2 days and had rode everything. That's why.



Wednesday, June 26, 2002 5:33 PM

XcoasterRider said:

My Xcelerator review:

Intensity: 9/10

The bads:

Slow dispatch time, overbanked turns not intense.

The launch and top hat must be great if you can say the 2nd half of the ride has no intensity and still rate the intensity 9/10!



Wednesday, June 26, 2002 5:44 PM
Nice trip report. You should have done ghostrider or perilous plunge beforeXcelerator though.

-Sean Newman
84 coasters in Track Record!! Hypersonic XLC # 100 in July. Waiting for the 305 foot drop tower in 2003. Thank you PKD.



Thursday, June 27, 2002 4:37 PM
rollergator's avatar

XcoasterRider said:
Because I had been at coaster con and was at Knott's for the past 2 days and had rode everything. That's why.

I too was "Coaster-Conned"....SFMM did everything they could to make up for the unfortunate lack of X.....Knott's however, told us "the ride won't be ready for you", then proceeded to have the employees (who perhaps COULD have run a second tower on Supreme Scream) demonstrate that the ride was, in fact, operational. It'll be a cold day in Hades before I go to Knott's again....and I had SUCH a good impression of the park before the Con. I really felt like Knott's, presumably knowing about the X thing, really poured salt in an open wound letting us WATCH Xcelerator launch again and again with trainloads of employees....25th Anniversary CoasterCon.....sad display of what I would call "grossly negligent PR".



Friday, June 28, 2002 3:49 PM


I'm sorry you felt that Knott's had "grossly negligent PR." They couldn't let ACErs or any other public ride it until it had been signed off by the State, which apparently didn't happen until the afternoon of the 22nd (Saturday), just before the charity auction rides. I'm sure that if Knott's could have opened it for ACE ERT, they would have. They were testing it with Knott's employees because they had to give the operators the loading/unloading practice and they just couldn't let anyone else ride it. Would you rather that Knott's had taken the risk of letting someone other than an employee ride it if something had gone wrong? I think not, .... IMHO.



Friday, June 28, 2002 9:07 PM
Compare the incident with not being allowed in some garages at car mechanic places. The insurance will only allow only employees into dangerous areas, which the xcelerator area was before the ride was signed off. then you've also got to keep in mind that the auction winners paid to be the FIRST public riders (ACE members are still part of the public no matter what you think, just not the general public, hows the enthusiast public).

Rollergator, if you paid 150 dollars just to ride xcelerator you're a fool.


Raging Rider

Friday, June 28, 2002 10:08 PM
That must have been amazing, and all I can do is sit here and think about. Maybe someday... same thoughts I have for X, RR, Ghostrider, S:TE...

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.



Saturday, June 29, 2002 2:30 AM
I finally got to ride it today. The launch is so intense and that top hat has got to be my favorite element in any coaster. By the way, they were running the purple train today and the yellow one just sat on the transfer track. I wonder when they will start running two trains.


Saturday, June 29, 2002 2:43 AM
I think they're still waiting for the sensor or the weekend. they should be working on that sensor right this moment.

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