My random opinionated takes on Solace 2005...

rollergator said:
'buf...been to any of the more recent SRM events? PPP? Coastermania? Any of the last few Cons?

Those events *used to be* about power-riding as well. As they become more popular, there's more people, and fewer rides.

LOL...well you got a good point there gator. Though in my comments I make no mention of ERT conditions. My points have NOTHING to do with ERT. Which is my point about Solace. That's why I liked it so much before. Not just because it was at one of my favorite parks, but because it was about MORE then just ERT. The historical pictures, the tours all these things were unique to Solace alone. Combine that with speakers which people at NoCoasterCon take for granted but is a rarity on the west coast and it added up to one special event each year.

But now all that is gone. Because all of you seem to be content to settle with less I guess. Something I will never understand.

And as for Moosh's comment: "Heck, the time spent with good friends is worth $25 alone! Remember what that was like, Greg?"

Lets see...I remember a time when I THOUGHT the people I hung out with were my friends. But sadly that turned out to not be the case. I found an even larger group of people who really ARE good friends to me and consider family, so I guess everything worked out okay. I even hung out the day of Solace with some of them. So yes. I do know that spending $25 is worth that. However, I can (and do) spend time with friends like that all year long. It would be nice if Solace was a little more special. I miss the things it used to have. And can't help but feel cheated out of the event it once was. But since you didn't care about those things in the first place you'll never understand. Perhaps when something you do care about is cut you'll care.

Mamoosh's avatar
Perhaps when something you do care about is cut you'll care.

Of course I will! And if/when that happens I'll write a letter to the park telling them how I feel. If that they refuse to return it to the schedule I'll have to decide if the event is worth my money or not. But I won't compain about it to those who can't do anything.

*** Edited 4/1/2005 4:06:00 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

"I know that if you're looking for swarm of hot young thangs, you're better off at the local mall on Saturday night than an ERT session at a park."

Could we at least get a dozen or so average middle aged thangs? :-)

"an oppurtunity to make fun of those 2 ACERs with the purple jackets on (you know the 2, the husband and wife, the man with the hardened 'Gray-fro' on his head, and her with the biker shorts on that showed off her cottage cheese thighs)"

This is quite frankly one of the funniest insider observations I've ever seen. My buddy and I could not take our eyes off the "Gray-fro"! Do you think that was before or after ERT?

rollergator's avatar

Coasterbuf said:
My points have NOTHING to do with ERT. Which is my point about Solace. That's why I liked it so much before. Not just because it was at one of my favorite parks, but because it was about MORE then just ERT. The historical pictures, the tours all these things were unique to Solace alone. Combine that with speakers which people at NoCoasterCon take for granted but is a rarity on the west coast and it added up to one special event each year.

Point well taken....I had *heard* about the behind-the-scenes stuff, like getting to check out Monte's flywheel, which would be treasured personally since I am inhabited by the Spirit of Anton...;)

But I guess as the event grew to such sizable numbers, those kinds of things become harder and harder to schedule logistically until it eventually becomes unfeasible for the park to do them anymore...

IF they were going to do "behind the scenes" stuff now, it would probably HAVE to be on Friday as part of the Radisson thingy, since Saturday is SO busy....suggesting THAT to the park is probably NOT a bad idea...

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

That's a good idea. What time does the Friday thing usually start? The only problem I could see with that is if it is at night some of the types of things they showed in the past wouldn't be possible due to safety concerns with lack of daylight.


But I won't compain about it to those who can't do anything.

Oh really? I'll remember that each time you mention Magic Mountain or complain about anything else here then.

Robocoaster's avatar
It's all subjective.
Never having been to Solace, I found the event to be awesome. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a regular operating day doesn't start that early, or end that late, nor include a buffet lunch, 2-for-1 Swing rides, or a late night snack. And I doubt that my friends from all over the country are all there on any given regular operating day.

We believe you that it used to be even more. It still was an incredibly fun and memorable time for a LOT of folk, and your basically calling us morons for making the best of what was offered to us; that is why your getting the reactions you are. People don't take kindly to being called stupid.

They Live. We Sleep.

Mamoosh's avatar
Thanks for keeping an eye on me, Greg! Don't forget to point out when I'm being a hypocrite. Now what would I do without him...? ;)

Robocoaster said:
and your basically calling us morons for making the best of what was offered to us; that is why your getting the reactions you are. People don't take kindly to being called stupid.

Where? Where did I ever call anyone stupid or a moron? Please don't put words in my mouth that I never said or even implied. Thank you.

Robocoaster's avatar
-"I really don't get why all of you are praising Solace as this wonderful thing. It's a pale imitiation of it's former self."-
Gee, if you say so.

-"But if everyone is happy with getting LESS of an event and a return on the dollar, which seems to be the case in this thread, then nothing I do will help much."-
Give me a break. I know a snotty comment when I read one.

-"Seems folks here are quite content losing all the stuff they once had and getting basically a regular operating day."-
See above response.

-"Because all of you seem to be content to settle with less I guess. Something I will never understand"-
Again, ditto.

I could go on with more examples, but those speak volumes already. Is it possible you didn't mean to sound so condescending? Perhaps. But, yeah, you did. Guess what? I'm smart enough to read between the lines. Sounds to me like you feel anyone who actually had a great time is a fool who doesn't know how REALLY special it used to be.

Look, all you had to do was say something like "Glad you all had a great time, but for me it was better in year's past, and here's why...".
But when you act SOOO baffled why ANYONE thought Solace was great (which, IMO, it was), and you type stuff like the lines I quoted you on, you sound holier-than-thou.
You may not have "said" it, but it is implied, whether you meant to or not.

They Live. We Sleep.

Jeff's avatar
Give us ERT!

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Mamoosh's avatar
Great post, Rob! My memories of Solace are the good times I had with you, not what was missing from previous years.

In other news, SFMM sucks. Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to complain about that here 'cause none of you can do a thing about it...never mind. Nothing to see. Move on! ;)

Ah, you two hang out together. It all makes sense now why I am being tag teamed. to remember to put the cute wink in ;). that makes it all better, right? LOL

*** Edited 4/6/2005 1:18:13 AM UTC by Coasterbuf***

Mamoosh's avatar
Yes, Rob and I have been friends for a few years now. We met at the last SRM and I helped bust his Indiana Beach cherry. We don't live in the same city so we don't get to hang as often as we'd like but thankfully we have the internet. And we have the kind of friendship that if one of us were to accidentally piss the other off we'd discuss it instead of giving the silent treatment.

Good friends like that are few and far between, and I'm lucky enough to have more than my fair share of them ;)

Jeff's avatar
I met Mooshie at SRM too, but I still think he's a dick. Not as bad as that "nasai" guy though. Says he's married but no one has actually met his wife. (obligatory ;))

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff said:
Says he's married but no one has actually met his wife.

See?!?! Now, how many times did I say that about nasai March 7-14? At least now I know he exists, I have his phone number;).

And ofcourse Moosh is, Jeff, haven't you been in on that inside joke for the past 11 years?

Mamoosh's avatar
LOL Jeff...that's classic ;)

I'm not married yet...Dawnmarie and I haven't set a date yet.

Inside joke? *sniff* :( I thought we had something special, Matthew.

-dawn, liked solace

Edit: OHHHH...*that* inside joke! I'll crawl back into the woodwork now. *** Edited 4/6/2005 11:11:21 PM UTC by dawnmarie313***

"Want to be upside down, maybe thrown from side to side" - The New Pornographers, The Fake Headlines

Mamoosh's avatar
You're the only woman for me, Dawn ;)
Jeff's avatar
I thought your something special was nasai? Where is he anyway? Out with his pretend wife in Japan?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

nasai's avatar
Man, it's amazing when you are out working your ass off that your friends would just throw you to the proverbial wolves. ;)

Yes, I'm a dick. Yes, I am married. Yes, Tomoko is in Japan, and yes, I am jealous bastard that she is there without me. Yes, SFMM does suxor. Yes, I've never been to Solace, but I bet it's fun despite the fact that Jeff wouldn't be caught dead at a dreaded enthusiast event (apparently SRM didn't count ;)).

Now that my ears aren't burning anymore, I'll get back to work making my clients more money. I'll see you all in Hell. :)

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

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