My Own Kings Island 4/18

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Nice weather, not too warm, not too cold, looked like it was gonna rain but didnt like the others said... a very nice day. Lines were short, longest wait was Delirium for about 40 mins (SoB was a longer wait but I didnt ride).

Beast - even more braking? Yuk! This ride had been completely tamed, it seems like you're being slowed down throughout the entire trip. I'd think that with the smooth retracking they wouldnt need any more braking. A major disappointment.

Tomb Raider - what happened? Some of the theming effects have been taken out like the lights on the door that opens and many of the props have been damaged. Also, why do they have the lights on when you walk in? That ruins it! I really loved this ride last year but now I almost wish they would just put the Giant Top Spin outside and let it flip us over and over for a long time instead of this short ride.

Vortex - I still like this ride, nothing really new to report.

Spongebob 3D - I actually thought this ride had more 3D to it than even 7th Portal, though it was awful rough for youngsters. Also, there is a sign for another movie coming to the second theater, an Indy Jones kinda thing. Of course Paramount made Indy, dont know why theyd need a "rip off"

Racer - only forwards in the beginning of the day. Nothing really new to report. They opened backwards later and towards the very end of the day they actually raced them.

Flight of Fear - WOW! Much faster this year!! New magnets or something?? Wear sunglasses if you want a really dark experience!

Scooby Doo's Haunted Castle - a very good move by Kings Island, this family ride investment will get them family crowds for a long time to come. A fun ride, and the on-ride photos are hilarious because you dont see them coming.

Delirium - A lot more fun than it is scary, its like going as high as you always wanted to on your swingset... an amazing ride!! I wanna go again!!!

Adventure Express - I really love this ride. Seems like some work was indeed put into it this year. The station spiel was running as well as the soundtrack on the first lift, and the effects were as good as new in tunnels 3 and 4, but the spears in tunnel 2 werent moving and neither was the snake in tunnel 1. Uncrowded all day, I really hope families realize what a great ride this is.

Other than all that, nothing new to report. Had a great day!! We had some bad luck with rides breaking down on us (more than any other time I've been at a park) and the staff on Racer was acting very SFKK-ish, but we had a very enjoyable day!! Visit Kings Island!!

It's amazing that in one year, the themeing on Tomb Raider: The Ride has already gone downhill. I know that PKI has been doing a lot lately to improve the park, but it seems that the TLC is going to the wrong places. Its only the beginning of the season, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Intelligence is a God given gift: Know how to use it.

I only saw 2 effects on TR not working. Beast has not been slown down anymore, actually I think the brakes have been toned down a little on the midcourse.

Joe Barnett
Forum Moderator/Editorial Writer

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