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Last weekend my family and I traveled to New England to visit SFNE (see my previous trip report) and Lake Compunce. We woke Sunday morning and began to head home. ON the way home though, we stopped at Lake Compounce. We got there early, and it was a very overcast and dreary day....I didnt really know too much about the park and was wasnt expecting it to be crowded, but when I got there , there was only like 10 people in the whole entire park! The park didnt get real crowded even in the afternoon, and all the rides were walk ons. We got into the park and went through the cute little entrance. I was expecting the park to be small, but I mean it was tiny! I was very surprised. We got into the park and headed to Boulder Dash. My first impression of the ride was looked awesome running though tthe mountaun and trees. I was excited! We walked up the entrance and got front train (there were only 5 people in the whole train, 3 of which were my family) This ride was spectacular! You had nonstop speed the whole way, weaving and twisting around trees going up and down the mountain. It was intense! For a woodie, I was surprised at how smooth it was....I mean its pretty new, so I anticipated on it being smooth, but it was soooo much smoother than I ever thought! I rode nine times with out getting off once, and then decided to take a break. My next coaster was the Wildcat, which the entire park was built around. It had some surprising turns and twists, and some great moments of air time. The back though was very rough when compared to the front. My next ride was Zoomerang, which to me was nothing special. Ive been on tons of those boomerang rides, and they dont really impress me. One good thing though was how clean they managed to keep the track and the trains. The whole park overall was very clean, but I guess its easier to keep such a small park clean. The only other ride I did was ghost hunt, which was oretty childish, and my bro beat me 1490 to 230.....I was embarassed.....haha. Anyway, I hit Boulder Dash at least 15 times in the day (I kinda lost track!) Overall, I had a good time in this tiny little park!

Boulder Dash: Amazing coaster, easily my favorite woodie. You had nonstop speed with tons of air time. The sceanery in the montains and the flyby of trees also added to the overall effect of the coaster. I dont think wooden coasters get much better than this, but then again I still have never rode Raven!! I rate it a perffect 10!!

Wildcat: Great old coaster. Some surprising moments of airtime. Back was pretty rough though.

Zommerang: Nothing special. Ive been on tons of those boomerang rides, and they dont really impress me. One good thing though was how clean they managed to keep the track and the trains.

Glad you had fun. Did you know that LC has free soda?

1-S:RoS @ SFNE
2-Boulder Dash
3-Yankee Cannonball
*** This post was edited by SFNE Dude 9/18/2003 5:40:35 PM ***

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