My First SkyCoaster

Patrick K

Saturday, August 2, 2003 12:02 PM
Well to start things off, I would like to say that if anyone has not tried one yet, its definitly worth it one time. The adrenaline of being pulled up that high is a rush for sure. The drop is nothing short of spectacular. After that, its just a giant swing. I must say that it was really fun though, and if anyone is thinking about doing it, its worth it. I'm not sure how much fun a re ride would be, but that first time is priceless.

On a funnier note, While we were being taken off the line, a group of girls were being put on, the ride op decided it would be funny to take a carribeaner (sp?) with a strap attached to it, and drop it inbetween the girls while they were in they flying position waiting to be taken up. They freaked and the ride up just gave them a puzzled look and said "you will probably be okay". They knew it was a joke and we all laughed it off.



Saturday, August 2, 2003 12:11 PM
wow thats awesome, lol....

i think i would do it, but for $20-30 of my money, I dont know...if it were like $5-10 bucks, then hell yeah id be up there! lol.....I just think that i could use that money for something more useful, but who knows, maybe i shall try!

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Saturday, August 2, 2003 12:36 PM
at SFWOA its $15 for single...$10 each for double and $5 each for triple...I did it twice last time I was there. So much fun and worth it

mantis man

Saturday, August 2, 2003 1:07 PM
Just the other night I used my internet printed coupons and got on CP's for $10 a person with 3 people. I do have to agree that the first time is the best though.

CP 2K3: 14
"What are you, a dentist? Or a hippie? Or some kind of hippie dentist?" -strong bad



Saturday, August 2, 2003 4:39 PM
wow here at SF st.louis it is 50 for a single! Lol like 30 for two and 45 for three. Its really expensive here!




Saturday, August 2, 2003 4:49 PM
I agree with you, these things are amazing. Easily worth the money in my opinion. The one at SFoG is a pretty good value, and with a season pass, they give you some coupons for it.

"Enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"



Saturday, August 2, 2003 4:53 PM
O yes let me add thought that it is WELL WORTH the money! WHAT A RUSH! WHOOOO!



Saturday, August 2, 2003 4:55 PM
It's fun to ride the Skycoaster a few times in a row, you get a crowd built up and everyone is cheering for you. *sniff*

"The floor is going to fall away from you, yadda yadda, you know the drill by now."

Good to hear you had a good time :)


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Saturday, August 2, 2003 5:05 PM
I'm trying to save my first SkyCoaster for next year, when I head down to Orlando area, and do the 300+ one. There is a decent sized one here at PKD, but I rather wait and make it a good one.

Does anyone know (approxamately) how far the SkyCoaster is from Orlando Area (Disney/IOA/Universal)?

OoOoOo....Boulder Dash *Drools Excessively*
"That helix turns me on" - Nightride at CoasterCon
*** This post was edited by RCTfan 8/2/2003 5:05:48 PM ***



Saturday, August 2, 2003 5:15 PM
RCTFan why not just ride SFA's skycoaster first? it's less expensive than PKD's & although it's not as tall it still provides a great thrill,especially for first timers.


Saturday, August 2, 2003 9:19 PM
That thing looks like a Kiddie Ride compared to PKD's. I wouldn't waste my money when I could ride PKD's. Its only 15 Dollars now (per person) for two or three riders.

OoOoOo....Boulder Dash *Drools Excessively*
"That helix turns me on" - Nightride at CoasterCon



Saturday, August 2, 2003 9:28 PM
The skycoaster is very close to Disney but about 10 minutes from IOA. The skycoaster is located in Kississmee (sp) which is south of Orlando and Universal but right by Disney.

B Rad



Saturday, August 2, 2003 10:14 PM
I just recently rode my first skycoaster too. I visisted the Royal Gorge Bridge last weekend which is a huge bridge over a 1000 foot caynon here in Colorado. Anyways, they just got a skycoaster and the supports are right on the edge of the caynon so it swings you over the caynon and you are looking 1000 feet down. It is an awsome ride and is worth the 15 bucks to do it more than once.

I have not yet gotten a chance to ride the one at SFEG which is quite a bit taller but doesn't have that whole caynon affect.

"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem
*** This post was edited by RubberDucky 8/2/2003 10:17:59 PM ***


Intamin Fan

Sunday, August 3, 2003 12:07 AM
Actually, Kennywood's makes PKD's look like a kiddie ride. Sure SFA's may only be 100ft., but when you get up there all that logic goes out the window. Does anyone know if there are any other painted Skycoasters besides SFA's? I have yet to see one. Of course, ours is a lot newer (2001) than the other ones I've seen, has a different design, and has a rolling cart in place of the scissors lift.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.


Sunday, August 3, 2003 1:27 AM
Wouldn't that be cool, a kiddie skycoaster? Like 15 feet tall? That would be hilarious.

"Here's my ten cence, my two cence is free"-Eminem



Sunday, August 3, 2003 2:33 AM
wouldnt that be a normal swing?

Lord Gonchar

Sunday, August 3, 2003 2:59 AM
Lord Gonchar's avatar

RCTfan said:

Does anyone know (approxamately) how far the SkyCoaster is from Orlando Area (Disney/IOA/Universal)?

The Skycoaster is at Old Town. I don't believe they actually operate it, but it's right there.

It's only a few miles from Disney and maybe 10 or 15 from Universal.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15



Sunday, August 3, 2003 3:59 AM
I just can not make myself get on one. I can't do it. Maybe one day I know im prop missing out?


Sunday, August 3, 2003 4:47 AM
The one at Marine World (can you tell I like my park from all my MW post? ;)) is great. While standing only 100 feet tall, there is more scenery under it than any Sky Coaster I have ever seen. You go right over the flamingo pit which sits 20 feet lower than the base of the tower, adding 20 feet to your perception. Being back in the animal part of the park, you don't have much to compare your height to except Voodoo (Huss Top Spin) and the Ark (kiddy swinging ship) so you feel much higher than you actually are. Ours is $35 for a single, $25 per person for a double, and $15 for a triple. Worth the money, I do it at least 3 times a year.



Lord Gonchar

Sunday, August 3, 2003 4:54 AM
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Then you'd probably dig Kennywood's, GoliathKills. It's over the water and the drop dives right over a bridge where people stand to watch. You go dive right over their heads and over the water from 180 feet up.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15


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