My First Big Coaster Trip Part 7 (Knoebels 6/1)

Associated parks:

Day twelve Tuesday June 1

I have a new favorite wood coaster. The Phoenix.

I got to Knoebels at about 930. Its interesting that you can just walk in while they are still getting the park ready. No gates at this park.

I got a four-hour hand stamp for 12 bucks. I would end up getting my money worth.

Hoped on Twister first thing after it opened a few minutes after 10. Got two quick rides. The split lift hill was very interesting. I enjoyed it. It seemed to have more lateral G’s than airtime.

Whirlwind was next. This had to be the oddest sounding lift hill I have ever heard. The drop into a corkscrew was interesting. Not much to it.

Finally came up to the Phoenix. I got to the station and hoped on with a guy wearing a Shivering Timbers t-shirt. He noticed my Talon shirt and asked about it. He was John known as CpismyHome here on coaster buzz. We must have rode it about 7 times. In the front, in the back, in the middle. It was all good. Ejector airtime all over the place! I can’t believe they don’t have seat belts on this thing. This ride was just awesome. I can see what all the fuss was about. I can't believe this ride sat idle in Texas for so long.

We parted our ways as he went to ride Twister. I was hungry and grabbed a piece of pizza. It was good. After that I hit a bunch of flats. Paratrooper was fun. Cosmotron was odd. A indoor music express with lights and effects. The fog was a bit much.

Power surge was nuts. I lost some change on it. Make sure your pockets are clear if you go on this. Downdraft was also interesting.

I rode the flyers once. I couldn’t get them to snap. It helps to see someone do it and the few times I watched the ride before I got on I didn’t see anyone doing it. That would change at PKI in the next few days.

High Speed Thrill Coaster pleasantly surprised me. Its only 20 feet, but that second hill gives some good airtime. I usually don’t ride the kiddie coasters. I have yet to hit Spacely Sprockets at SFGAm.

The Haunted House was fun. This ride was a throwback to the dark rides of the 50’s. Some of the noises were a bit too loud for my taste.

The crowd wasn't that big. A lot of kids, but they were beter than the wild bunch I encountered at Kennywood earlier in my trip.

After that it was about five more rides on the Phoenix and two on the Twister. The Twister is still a good ride, but I think the Phoenix is the star of this show. The Phoenix alone is worth the trip out to this park. I enjoyed the park, and the food was great and reasonable priced. I got a couple t shirts and left at about 2, headed for Cincinnati. After about six hours I stopped at Columbus OH. *** Edited 6/7/2004 7:54:56 PM UTC by ChiDan1972***

Great meeting you and riding with you Dan. I'm busy reading your TR's now. Hope your whole trip was great. I'm glad that I finally met some other Buzzers! :)

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

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