My First Big Coaster Trip Part 6 (DP 5/31)

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Day Eleven Monday May 31

It was cloudy all day and by 11 it started to rain and never stopped. Having said that Dorney Park did its best to run everything in the rain. I'm sure they were hoping for a better crowd on a holiday.

Got in and got two quick rain free rides on Talon. One in front one in back. A great ride. There is even a pop of airtime in the back in the drop right before the photo. Another great B and M invert. I also like the ending helix that takes place about 10 feet off of the ground.

Ran over and got two rides on Steel Force. A good ride. Liked the helix and some good airtime on the trip back.

Got the last ride on Lazer. Right after I got off they closed it and I never saw it open the rest of the day. Due to the rain. The two loops were very forceful.
Thunderhawk was up next. If this was the woodie they kept, Hercules must have really sucked. Didn’t really care for it. Maybe I just caught a bad ride, but I didn’t bother to go back during the rest of the day. I went back to my car and got my rain jacket. The rain wasn’t heavy, but it just wouldn’t stop.

Rode both sides of Dominator. Kinda like a mini power tower I guess.

Rode most of the bigger flats. Hang Time was a top spin with an interesting program. Revolution was similar to the Claw. I liked it. Music express, Apollo 2000 and sea dragon were typical flats. Like I said they did a good job in keeping the rides open. The Wild Mouse and Meteor never did open. I grabbed a ride on the Whip, which was fun. Walking back and forth through the middle section was a haul. You have to walk uphill through half of the park.

The rest of the day was spent between Steel Force and Talon. All of these rides were in the rain…some more painful than others. They were still good rides of course. The lines were non-existent, but they still had two trains running on Talon and Steel Force. I had to get the onride photo of me on Steel Force all covered up in my rain gear.
I left a bit early, but I was just so worn down from being wet all day. I could see they have cleared a lot of land for the new floorless. I’m sure it will be a great addition to the park.

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