My B&M Hat

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I'd ebay the hat. Some dork would probably pay big $$$ for it. :)


Are you really asking your co-workers for Pix of him?

Now I'm just even more creeped out...

I asked her if I could take a picture of the picture and take out her daughter, and I explained the enviroment of people I'm trying to convince, she agreed to let me do it.
You're not winning me over here...just creeping me out even more...

And definitly not making me a believer in anything other than maybe professional help can work.

Jeff's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
I'd ebay the hat. Some dork would probably pay big $$$ for it. :)
Mental note... get a box of hats embroidered from that guy that does my volleyball team's jerseys.

I've shaken the hand of nearly every designer and/or engineer in the industry. Guess what... I doubt any of them would have the slightest idea or care who I am. Sadly, I can't even get a cookie for this remarkable experience.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I'd give you a cookie @ Solace if you were going, Jeff. Mayhaps I'll just buy you a beer @ Beast Buzz?
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Hey, I shook your hand! Hmmm...

At this year's CB events, the rest of you can touch the hand, that touched the hand that touched the hands of most of the designers in the industry...

...for the low price of $5

I'm a genius. :)

I'm often surprised at the stupid park related items I see make money on ebay.

I'm not paying $5 to cop a feel O' Gonch.

But can I borrow a kid to ride Taxi Jam?;)

There's a place in OpryMills (The mall that killed Opryland) and they embroider hats, shirts, etc. You could just get a place like that to make a hat, shirt, with B&M or any company logo you want on it. Its only like $25 including the hat.
kpjb's avatar
My only facet of disbelief (and I'm not saying this is false) is that it's such a cheap, generic hat.

You're telling me that the premier coaster building company only has hats with block letters? No logo or anything?

Hell, my aforementioned Premier hat (just thought I'd mention it again... remember: kpjb=cool) has their logo and name on the front and Premier Rides stitched across the back. The Vekoma crap I have is actually very nice.

See what I'm getting at? It's like Ford passing out nice, embroidered, stitched logo-ed hats, and Mercedes having some denim thing with "MB" in block letters on the side.

Anywho, tell ole' Walt I said hi. Sorry that deal fell through. Apparently I don't have that much authority.


Does B&M even have a logo though? I've never seen it. Someone has to have a link to a pic or image somewhere, help?
No, they're not online. I mean come on, if you were a company that is essentially two guys, living in Europe, in a tiny office, being paid multi-millions per installation to design something, why increase your overhead by producing a logo, merchandise, anything? Talk about a freakin' cash cow, there's virtually no overhead! No need to advertise, those big metal things scattered across the world do wonders more than a hat would.

I've always thought kpjb was that damn cool, but a hat from Premier? You're practically a god (or Vala to keep with the scary geek theme of the thread - see, I'm capable of staying on-topic! Sort of ... ).

I think that whole meeting Gonch thing might knock ya down a few levels though. In this thread, it's ok, but I probably wouldn't mention that beyond a few close relatives. You never know how much that could tarnish your reputation.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
I knew that they didn't have a website, but I wasn't sure if maybe they did have a logo for presentations, brochers etc.
Jeff's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
...for the low price of $5
How about $5 for an autographed photo of a Republican with goofy hair? You'd so get rich. You might even make your way into a Michael Moore movie or something.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Michael Moore is a complete tool.

I am registered republican and if it came down to all things being equal that's the side I'd learn towards, but like most folks, I really reside somewhere in the middle (that grey territory libertarians tried to claim a few elections back) - In a nutshell; socially, I'm so liberal it's sick, politically, I'm very conservative. Kinda sorta. (in general I think everyone should be able to do pretty much what they want, but at the same time everyone should be responsible for themselves - fill in the issues where you think they'd fall) I have a unique world view.

I don't have the goofy hair anymore though, but it wouldn't be that hard to grow back (took way too long to braid though) - I finally had to succumb to society with my daughter getting older and getting into more things in life. I got the feeling that the teacher or the girl scout troop leaders or whoever might treat her differently because of her wacky-ass dad...and that sucks, bad. I gave in. Sigh.

Enough of the confessional.

Tekno - no kids at PKI and no rides that you'll need them for at Dorney. But if the opportunity ever arises my kids would most likely be more than willing to help anyone out with a couple gazillion laps.

Impulse-ive, you're still close enough that I could find you if I had to. Just keep that in mind. ;)

My only question at this point is that if I build a snowman and put the signed B&M hat on him, will he come to life and design coasters? Because that would kick ass like George Bush spends money.

See, full circle. My work is done here.

Actually, Gonch, I'm not that much of a credit whore;).

But it would be interesting to see Gonch, Mrs. Gonch, and the Gonchlings @ Dorney. I swear I'm not stalking you (that's for moosh).

Whoop dee doo...

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